Have You Heard? Brian McKnight is Canceled

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A Visual Representation of Brian’s Cancellation: Original Photo Obtained from Wikimedia: Edited by Author

Sad news for 90s R&B fans: It seems your boy, Brian McKnight, has gone and gotten himself canceled.

Before we really dive into this, I’d like to give a little disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Personally, I rarely ever call for the cancellation of any artist. This is partially because I fully understand the implications of what it means to “cancel” someone and, for the most part, don’t feel it’s my place to enforce karma on my fellow humans.

In other words, I don’t have a heaven, hell, or jail cell to place anyone in. So, even though I may quietly withdraw my own support, I very rarely call for others to do the same.

Also, as someone who took a deep dive into the entertainment rabbit hole many years ago, I’ve learned to separate the art of the artist.

It may sound unrealistic or cliché, but if we were able to install hidden cameras in the homes of most of the top entertainers, we’d probably have very few artists left.

I fully believe that this is because thriving as an artist requires a level of grandiose narcissism that is both a gift and a curse.

So, as much as we’ve grown to admire these artists for the art they produce, we’d likely come to loathe them if we were privy to their…




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