I Do Not Need A Man

And I Mean That Shit From The Depths Of My Soul

Mocha Moma


I don’t understand this desire people have to be needed by somebody else or to want to need somebody else. I personally do not want anyone to need me and I don’t want to need anybody. If I ever dated a man who said he needed me, I slowly back peddled until there was a safe distance and I ran like hell, never to be heard from again.

Did you know women in traditional marriages shorten their life span by 10 years? Who the hell wants that? I’m so thankful for my unorthadox lifestyle.

Photo by Nikola Bačanek on Unsplash

We need food, we need, water, we need, oxygen. That is all we need. I will not die if I don’t have a man. I will love on just as happy as I always have.

Yes, it’s absolutely amazing to have someone in your life who you can count on and talk to when you need it. Someone who has no problem buying you things and paying your bills and seeing the best in you. But I don’t need that and I’m not going to die if I don’t get it. I’m perfectly capable of making my own money and paying for my own things and rooting for myself, plus I have a solid support system that consists of family and friends because my life doesn’t rise and fall on the presence of a man.



Mocha Moma

Award-winning poet. Author of Soul Not For Sale-The Poetic Publication. The Love Poet speaking out against Unhealthy Culture and its generational damage.