If You are Sexist, Why Complain About Racism?

Such hypocrisy is nonsensical.

Petrina Ferguson
3 min readSep 6, 2022


Photo by Fortune Vieyra on Unsplash

Yes, racism is wrong. Sexism is wrong. Any kind of hate is wrong. There is something bizarre I have noticed, and I am going to talk about it. For example, it is an issue existing in the black community. There are some black men who are definitely anti-racism and want their oppressors off of their backs. They feel passionately about this, and rightfully so!

Yet, at the same time, they want to dominate women. Some want to dominate black women and go outside of their “race” (as we call it)to find women that they believe will be more “submissive.”

So it is okay to dominate and oppress a woman, but they don’t want a man of another race oppressing and trying to dominate them? What is the logic or fairness behind that sentiment? I find it repulsive.

Some try to scripturalize oppressing and dominating women when there is no support for it in the Bible. The command for the man is very clear- for a man to love selflessly and sacrificially, (like Christ) washing his wife with the Word. Ephesians 5: 25–33. It didn’t say be selfish, controlling, oppressive, and wash her in hate or dominate her.

The command to the wife is simply to submit. If the command for the man is to do all of these things that Christ does for the church, and the wife is to cooperate with all of that, which one is the greater sacrifice?

Yet, too many fixate on her submission because they interpret it wrong and they interpret it in a self-serving way. The dynamics are taught wrong in some churches. Somehow, some conjure up an idea that male domination over a woman is biblical. It is not.

Real leadership is not dominating someone. It is not uncommon that some black men have contempt for some black women, want to dominate them, and yet are fighting against racism.

Gentlemen, please. Don’t talk to me about racism if you are a misogynist. The same goes for women who are misandrists. Misandry is a lot more rare. Some women are accused of misandry simply for taking a stand against misogyny. However, where there is real misandry, it is wrong also.

I suppose when some feel they have an unfair disadvantage in the world, they try to dominate who they can. Women are the easiest targets, generally speaking. Of course, in black communities, black women have been targeted. Yet, many of them are single mothers, and they are the ones holding it down, carrying their family in a sense.

They are strong, and those who target them trying to dominate them, are weak. How strange to have certain men abandon, neglect their families and children, and want to also push their weight around and dominate the women. This is while they demand that their own oppressors get off their backs.

If certain men do not feel like they are making it when it comes to having the power and respect they feel they deserve, they may grasp at straws to obtain a sense of power. Again, their targets are often women. I have observed that many of the misogynists are religious misogynists. In my opinion, religious misogynists are the worst kind of misogynist.

In conclusion, while these types of people are truly disturbing and have such audacity, thank God they certainly do not represent everyone. There are plenty men of all races out there who are noble, responsible, single men, fathers, and husbands. I gladly acknowledge this and am grateful for it.



Petrina Ferguson

Presenting God's truth in a culture of lies. Coaching women on godly femininity and how to win in relationships and life at mymentor.life/petrinaf