If You Don’t Have a Degree, Your Opinion Means Less Than Mine

It’s time we started showing more respect for educated people

Walter Rhein
Published in
6 min readNov 8, 2021


Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash

Can we just quit playing games for a minute? Republican cancel culture likes to attack the opinions of educated people and dismiss them as being “elitist.” At the same time, Republicans will turn around and say things like, “burger flippers don’t deserve the same wage as nurses.”

How is it that saying a degree matters is considered “elitist,” but demanding people without degrees should be paid less is just “conservative common sense?”

Conservatives will rage all day long about how the opinions of people without degrees should matter as much as those that have them. But go to a company owned by one of these people and ask how many people they hire without degrees. You’ll find the only people they hire to the critical, high-paying jobs are the ones who went to the best schools. So, I guess it’s the conservative businessmen who are truly the elitists right?

So much of the conservative message is designed to give people information that’s blatantly false. They like to claim degrees don’t mean anything. The truth is, they want to discourage people from pursuing degrees so that they can hoard all the wealth and opportunities for themselves. They hit you with the…



Walter Rhein

10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist. WalterRhein@gmail.com