In The Middle of the Derek Chauvin Trial: New Video of White Cops Not Even Pretending to Control Themselves

Herbert Dyer, Jr.
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2021



As the third week of the trial of former Minneapolis killer-cop Derek Chauvin for the videotaped murder of George Floyd begins, comes now yet another “disturbing” video of yet another duo of state-sanctioned white “law enforcers” as they unlawfully stop, harass, berate, curse, mace, beat, and arrest — but, thankfully this time, stop just short of lynching — yet another unarmed and innocent black man on the streets of this nation-state. This time…this particular brother is an Army Lieutenant in full fatigues. His near-fatal “mistake,” however, is that he is driving a brand new Mercedes Benz with temporary (but up-to-date) paper license tags. Oh, and his pet dog is in the back seat, too.

This story is so commonplace now, so regular, so normal, that it writes itself. This “incident” occurred in December of last year, but the video is just now surfacing.

The brother’s name is Caron Nazario. The city is Windsor, Virginia; and he is headed home from his father’s house, where he had shown off his new car to Dad.

Our intrepid officers spot him, the car, the dog, but (later) claim that they did not somehow discern his also clearly visible, properly displayed, and legal paper plate. They also, however, clearly did see that…



Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link,