Israel Uses Human Shields

Not in the way you think, but far more insidious

Johnny Silvercloud


March on Washington for Gaza Protest, Washington DC / 13 Jan 2024 / Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

Human Shields

We’ve all seen this before: The “I have a Black friend” retort, always following criticism of someone’s racism. The “I have a female friend or family member” response in the face of criticism of someone’s sexism.

When looking at these phrases, are they not using human shields?

As a Black man, I always wondered if I were the one Black friend someone was thinking of when faced with criticism. If I was the one Black guy they summon in their minds when someone calls their racist behaviors out. I often wondered if there was more than one and if I was not selected in their imaginations to defend them from being held accountable.

End Israel Genocide of Palestinians Protest, Washington DC / 28 May 2024 / Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

You see, these are the reasons why I got into it. These are the reasons why I got into sociology and psychology. The things people say and the things people mean. How people think, act, behave, and speak. The things that they do when no one is looking. The things they do when certain people are not around. When I observed so many of the same behaviors from a diverse range of people, I marveled at how these…



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.