Let's Talk Statutory: Surviving Diddy Part Two
Babes in Bad Boy Land
The entertainment realm has an open secret: Young girls (and boys) are the lifeblood of the industry in more ways than one.
If you've been paying attention, you likely noticed that most mainstream music is marketed to kids and young adults, regardless of the artist's age.
This is not by mere happenstance. Instead, it's because young people are more likely to become obsessed with and idolize entertainers.
Therefore, even if they don't have the disposable income required to purchase products from their idols, they are the most likely to filibuster and grandstand on the artists' behalf.
So, not only does their engagement translate into parents being pressured into purchase, but it also serves as some of the best word-of-mouth advertising money can't buy.
On a more sinister note, though, young people are often targeted for far more nefarious reasons. Unfortunately, the youth's innocence also tends to attract energy vampires, those who seek to prey, and their naivete.
In the entertainment industry, young girls, in particular, are the major currency. They are used for everything from attracting other young girls to enticing dirty old men, selling merch, keeping energy boosted, and…