Not-So-Awful Police Stories

When you are Black, even normal interactions with law enforcement can be a source of trauma

Marlon Weems
Published in
7 min readDec 7, 2023


Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

A few weeks ago, I was pulled over by a police officer. I haven’t received a ticket for a moving violation in decades, so I couldn’t imagine why this was happening.

The policeman, a young Asian fellow, explained that I was being ticketed, not for speeding or reckless driving, but for violating a rule I’d never heard of. I expressed my displeasure to the officer for what, in my opinion, was an unnecessary traffic stop. The officer behaved normally, but despite that, a voice inside my head said,

“Hey dumbass, this is how Black people get shot by the police.”

I heeded my mental alarm bell and accepted the ticket without further comment. A few days and four hundred dollars later, I had the violation dropped, so at least my auto insurance premium wouldn’t go through the roof.

Like a lot of Black men in America, I’ve had numerous encounters with law enforcement. Despite not being a criminal, I’ve been stopped more times than I can count. In the past, I’ve written about some of these incidents.

Like the time a group of cops scared the bejeezus out of me and my high school girlfriend, or the…



Marlon Weems

Storyteller. I write about American culture and growing up Black in the South.