
Out The Mud

Reconnect With History To Build The Future

LaDarius Dennison


Animation By LaDarius Dennison

If all you know is I got it out of the mud

Then you will be content with being on dry land,

You will have no aspirations to develop the land,

You will have no vision to build institutions on the land,

You will forever be a weed in a land full of trees,

Holding yourself and others back from opportunities,

So I challenge you to go back to the mud,

Dive deep, hands and feet, mix and mold the mud,

Then I want you to put the mud in a fiery oven,

And what you have crafted here is bricks by the dozen,

So when they ask how did you build your legacy out of tears, sweat, and blood,

You say I got it out of the mud



LaDarius Dennison

Philosopher | Historian | πŸ’Ž Gem-Dropper Scholar πŸ“š | Creative Professional | #BluPhi 🀘🏾