Ratchet Rationality is Rampant

Dusty logic is an epidemic



Photo Source: Flicker via AmsterSam

Although I have high hopes for my community and its potential to thrive in the face of adversity, I must admit that the collective's prevailing views leave much to be desired.

Indeed, even though no community is perfect, there is no denying the fact that the Black community, in particular, is heavily influenced by low-vibrational music, TV shows, and films, which popularize many low-vibratory thoughts and ideals.

Indeed, I've watched as the community defends everything from pedophiliac pastors to neglected mental health, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Yet, it seems that no matter how far we may evolve from one line of thinking, a new, popular, yet ridiculously idiotic take is always permeating our community at an alarming rate.

And, if we're honest, those who make the most sense are often the least popular in the Black community.

Moreover, it is one of the most targeted and often readily denies accountability when confronted with the roles we continue to play in the overall state of the community.


Let's discuss some of the most detrimental ideologies that are still running rampant in the Black community.

Prayer is enough?




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