Save the Black Woman. She is not Alone by Choice but by Design.

Being a Strong and Independent Woman is a Programmed, Selfish Insecurity.


Gideon Hezekiah, Unsplash

The purpose of relationships is to make life easier by joining forces with someone to grow toward a common interest. The common interest is life. What woman in her right mind wants to work, pay bills, raise kids, and do repairs on her car and home alone?

Being a strong independent Black woman is like being White privileged like a Karen, only in the Black communities. No matter what she does, she cannot be corrected, challenged, or looked down on because she is or will be a mother. Also, like White privilege, she models a sense of false royalty that she believes she deserves. She feels she is better than her creator. Like White America, they too have taken from the labors of the Black man, his earnings, and his children, with no remorse. But what they have bought in return is hope, a lack of security, a lack of balance, no order in the home, and no peace of mind, cognitive dissonance.

Abort, you were set up with government programming under white conditions. You have been programmed to believe the Black man is weak. You have been programmed to deny your true God, your creator, which is your Father. You have been programmed to chase the dollar over family. The lover of money is the root of all evil.

The results of evil

Many of your homes are in shambles. Your daughters are becoming masculine while their sons are more feminine. You are the least desirable for all men while raising the type of men that you complain about. Many of your children are on the streets, behind bars, or addicted to a substance or behavior. 70% to 80% of inmates come from single-mother homes. Prison is big business. Your health is being controlled by Big Pharma. Once your kids are grown, still living at home, and child-support ends, many of you are bitter and lonely. It’s estimated that 45% of women ages 25–44 will be single by 2030, according to a study by Morgan Stanley.

Have you ever heard the pledge, strong independent Hispanic woman, strong independent Asian woman, Indian woman, or African woman? What they all have in common is they don’t have an issue with finding men to love and protect them. They don’t have an issue admitting the need for family.

Religion as a whole promotes division. There are thousands. Divide and conquer starting with the Black woman. It does not promote the sanctity of the family, especially the melanated family. We are all each other’s greatest resource and inspiration. There are no doors, walls, ceilings, or floors in our minds, only beliefs that keep us from one another. We achieve success in love, peace, and happiness through important relationships. Without religion, there is no government. Without religion, there is no poverty. What is the purpose of being Christian if one can lie, steal, rape, rob, and kill? Christianity was founded on those principles. Religion is organized Crime started by rich white men.

The records of Black people’s history are kept in many plantations in the South, as we were bought and taught white men’s religion and given their last names. If you don’t know where you come from you don’t know where you are going. White people are the original Christians. They have spread white Jesus all over the world. Black people are their obedient enslaved Christians.

John Smyth, a white man, born 1554 — died August 28, 1612, in Sturton le Steeple, United Kingdom, created the Baptist Religion in 1608. It is not a coincidence that slavery started around that same time. Who is King James I? It is all about getting the mind, removing all logic, and replacing it with fear, guilt, pain, and stories of hope. Once our mind is under control, they get us to destroy ourselves, and those around us, with the illusion that a white man will one day save us, keeping us under their control as they continue to set systemic traps for the black seed. They have also tricked us into paying for our demise. Free will, they call it.

Relating this to the war game of chess, Black females are the most powerful species on the planet, just like their in-game counterpart, the Black man. It is she who wins the game for either king. The number one strategy is to control the Queens. To control the Queen is to control the game. The illusion is black and white. The game is God/good vs Devil/evil.

Since the beginning of religion, there has been spiritual warfare. The Black woman is the most targeted because she is the smartest and most powerful. Not only is she the smartest, but she gives birth to Kings and Queens and can get close enough to the opposing Kings to checkmate. The majority of Black women are playing for the opposing team. When they keep their children away from their Father she is keeping them from their god, relying on government assistance, the opposing god. As a result, she struggles. The harder her struggles are the harder she prays for the opposing god, a white savior, to save her, while her children have taken over her home, many ending up unruly, on drugs, or in prison.

The war is man vs man, killing his seed to prevent reproduction. The strategy is to remove the Queen’s foundation, getting her to have a conflict with her own God/Love. The woman is mainly used to win the war, to protect the family. A conscious Queen understands that it is the Father who teaches his son how to be a responsible man of god. It is the Father who teaches his daughter how to be a respectable wife of god. Man is God woman is Goddess, and God is Love, a higher consciousness. When we make love we create in our image. When we have sex we also create in our image, something that is not of God. (33% of DNA tests in America are being proven not to be the biological father) Too many of us are having sex without a profound purpose. A man of God is a man of love, love for his Father and Mother, love for his wife and kids, not a man who has an imaginary relationship with the unknown.

The main reason the King is made weak is because it would be harder to deliver checkmate on a powerful King from a King. His strength and weakness is feminine energy, the Queen. When a King is made to appear weak to his Queen she no longer respects him, but he is far from weak. Tricking the Queen is part of the game. The White man’s number one fear is an educated Black man. But a Black man without a Queen is not a threat, nor his children. They are pawns, easily captured, many times with the Black woman’s assistance. It is this reason why the game of chess was designed to only allow the King to move one square at a time in any direction. It is art imitating life.

The core of female sexuality comes from the perceived ability that she can have many healthy children, one at a time, sometimes twins. The truth is, that a woman’s reproductive fitness has a shorter lifespan than men on average. Unlike men who constantly produce sperm throughout their lives, a woman is born with a limited supply and a limited number of eggs. She starts with one or two million eggs and they start losing their quantity and quality every month after she hits puberty. A man can create an entire nation with the assistance of several women. Kill the seed, kill the nation. A melanated seed is most valuable. This is why we are targeted for mass incarceration. This is why the 1850 Slave Catchers of America was formed. They didn’t bring slaves to America. They brought the creators of the universe. They brought brilliant minds. They brought the Kings and Gods.

A game of chess ends when a player puts the opposing player’s King in a position wherein it cannot avoid capture. (checkmate) This is the American system. A game can also be won or lost through concession. Concession; consideration, privilege, business, or concern. A chess match can also end in a draw. This can happen through stalemate, mutual consent, checkmate being impossible to achieve, as well as other means. It is the female who determines what king wins.

Every other culture understands how powerful the Black man’s seed is except his own. Japan is now paying Black men to come there and impregnate them, while a large number of Western women continue setting them up for checkmate; prison, substance abuse, identity crisis, mental health issues, etc. To emasculate a boy is to weaken a nation.

Without the encouragement of your Father, the world is a dismal place. Jordan Peterson.

We can never be whole without the love and support of the two people that birthed us. Please help support the movement to bring fathers back into our homes and our children’s lives. We Don’t Need Therapy, We Need Dad. It is a matter of life or death.

Order a copy of, The Manual of Man, so that I may continue to grow the movement. Thanks ahead of time.
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