Say Her Name, Sonya Massey Deserved Better

R. Smith
Published in
4 min read2 days ago

A Heartfelt Reflection on Justice and the Urgent Need for Change

Subhuman can be defined as “of a lower order of being than the human, failing to attain the level (as of morality or intelligence) associated with normal human beings.”

Today, video footage was released showing the last moments of Sonya Massey’s life viciously taken in Springfield, Illinois by law enforcement. She was in a white silky nightgown when officers arrived after she had called 911 because of a concern about a potential home intruder. She was a Black woman with a small frame and very calm demeanor. The deputy asked her to get up from her living room sofa and turn off her stove which had a pot of boiling water, then suddenly told her to drop the pot, she then tried to duck for cover when police ruthlessly entered the kitchen and shot her in the face. No attempts were made to get her immediate medical attention.

Welcome to Black womanhood within the context of the western world. It is a complex and layered construct challenging for those who have never walked a mile in our shoes to comprehend.

Credit: CNN

To be one of us, a subhuman, is to belong to a taxonomic group at the lowest tier in the hierarchy of a society marked by prejudice and patriarchal oppression.

How do I know?

I know this because I have lived it, often denied basic human decency and discarded, left feeling robbed of my femininity.

This Black woman was gunned down like game for a sporting trophy and the footage of her murder coincidentally was released on a date such that it is juxtaposed with the historical ascension of another Black woman.

Less than 24 hours ago, I was thrilled by the news regarding the potential of electing the first Black and South Asian woman to be the President of the United States, Kamala Harris. On Sunday, I sat up giddy far into the late hours of the night on a conference call hosted by Black congresswomen, such as Rep. Joyce Beatty (OH) and Rep. Jasmine Crockett (TX). Over 44 thousand other Black women across the country were unified on this star-studded Zoom call and within 3 hours we raised over $1 Million in support of Kamala Harris’s campaign. Some of us stayed up communicating even after the call concluded because we were so elated.

Then Monday came bustling in and it was back to managing conflicting realities, having no other choice but to compartmentalize so many varied emotions. Texts from my sister girlfriends venting about slights at the job and other experiences that I know all too well came through my iPhone. In between Zoom meetings I offered a listening ear while also trying to manage my own challenges. Business as usual, doing mental gymnastics, processing the world around me and then silently I snapped — “can we just have one day?!?!” I pondered as a shooting pain pinched from my shoulder up through the back side of my neck. At that moment I could not run from it anymore.

I am tired.

Mentally, physically, and spiritually depleted. The same kind of exhaustion that either breaks a person or builds character — we have to demand justice!

This is the era of consequences.

Although the police department fired the officer that had used deadly force inappropriately, we cannot settle, there should be more public outcry to ensure that Officer Grayson, the individual responsible for the murder, is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and faces imprisonment.

Sonya’s 911 call for help, driven by fear for her safety, should have been met with protection and support, not violence and fatal force. Her life was needlessly cut short in her own home, a place where she should have felt secure. This heartbreaking event underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reforms in our criminal justice system to ensure that all individuals, regardless of race and gender identity, can seek help without fearing for their lives.

Sonya Massey deserved better!

The Definition of Subhuman from Oxford Languages

This written material reflects the author’s personal sentiments and opinions and is not intended to represent the views or positions of any employer, private, or public organization. Any references to specific entities or individuals are purely for illustrative purposes and do not imply endorsement or affiliation. The author assumes no liability for any actions taken based on the information provided in this essay.


“Subhuman.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster. Accessed 15 Jul. 2024.

“Sonya Massey Police Shooting.” CNN, 22 July 2024, Accessed 22 July 2024.

