Second Lt. Caron Nazario’s Police Abuse Experience

LT Nazario’s #ServingWhileBlack experience in Windsor, VA Hits Hard.

Johnny Silvercloud


Screen Capture of the assault and abuse of 2LT Nazario

Second Lt. Caron Nazario, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army Medical Corps was in uniform driving to Petersburg, Virginia after a drill weekend. On December 5th, 2020, two police officers ordered him out of his his truck, at gunpoint, with their weapons aimed at his face.

This happened in December, 2020. We are only hearing about this now, in April, 2021.

Police popped their lights on him a mile away in the country rural dark — a scary scene for a Black man in the South. Too nervous to stop on a darkened road, Lieutenant Nazario, who is a Black-Latin man, drove about a mile to a well-lit gas station, pulled over and placed his cellphone on his dashboard (according to a lawsuit and video footage of the encounter.)

“Get out of the car,” one yells one belligerent white cop.

Lieutenant Nazario, still in his seat-belt, repeatedly asks why he had been stopped, and why the officers had drawn their guns.

He positions his empty hands outside the window, a horrendously submissive gesture that Black people seemed to have invented just to survive America’s racist, Afrophobic culture.

“I’m honestly afraid to…



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.