“Stand Back and Stand By”

If the FBI recognizes that White Supremacists are the #1 terror threat of America, what does that make Trump, a sitting President who validates them?

Johnny Silvercloud


Proud Boys. Gavin McInnes, founder in white shirt. Proud Boys are a Kinetic-action based white supremacist group in America. Proud Boys, a far-right group, at a rally in Berkeley, Calif., in 2017. Photography Credit: Marcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press

Ever heard of a Republican or Trumper mention the KKK? If you did, you probably heard the stock deceptive statement, “The KKK was a wing of the Democratic Party”. Usually when I hear this I point out the deception tactic of speaking of past occurrences in present tense. Highlight greater facts like the fact that they were confederates then, and Republicans are confederates now. After last night? None of that even matters.

Last night, September 29, 2020, we just witnessed the Proud Boys become the white supremacist-militant wing of the Republican Party.

Johnny Silvercloud, Twitter

When a sitting President — a Commander in Chief — who, after failing to get conventional U.S. Military to do his bidding, after numerous generals, serving and retired, told their forces to stand back and recognize the importance of racism in America (however milquetoast they stated so), tells a militant group of white supremacy insurgents to “stand back and stand by”, that’s the outcome…



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.