Stated Affairs

It’s Time for the Movement To Go It Alone.

5 min readJan 14, 2022


African Americans line up to vote after the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965 | Photo Credit: Time Magazine

If, by chance the title of this article is what drew your attention this way then I would suggest you to stick around.

The word stated is synonymous with words like declared, explicit, expressed, so on and so forth; and with the word Affairs we automatically are able to use synonymous words and phrases such as circumstances happenings occasions or current events. These two words are unique together because they express to the reader or the listener that the; topics, discussions, matters, and or conditions surrounding the two words have already been expressed repeatedly in the past while also, still being at the center of events thoughts, and movements, current in the present moment.


In case you have been severely let down by Wikipedia and your public-school education and clearly know nothing about Black Affairs and or issues surrounding them in the United States, allow me the opportunity to offer you a brief rundown of events that Black People participated in and sometimes led while still having to initiate, institute, mobilize, and maintain Black Affairs, all while building a country and sustaining a net positive for its benefactors for generations to come. SLAVERY, A litany of Rebellions in the south, The American Revolutionary War, Antebellum South, Still SLAVERY, A Civil War, Reconstruction, The Compromise of 1877, Jim Crow South, WWI, Great Depression, WWII, still Jim Crow, The Civil Rights Movement, The Southern Strategy, Vietnam, The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Labor Law and Some Voting , The voting Rights Act of 1965, The Civil Rights Act of 1968 Civil Right’s for Housing, More of the Same, War on Drugs, the 1994 Crime Bill — give or take a few; assassinations, wars, recessions, inflation, deflation, uprisings, and you get the point.

Black people have been willing participants at all costs to prove their loyalty and patriotism to this republic despite having to endure the most extreme of the extreme levels of racism the entire time. Spanning the centuries throughout every example listed above, Blacks in the United States were diligently loyal with unwavering faith and commitment to an institution that has never fully accepted Black people as equal citizens with equal protections under the law, in a country that owes them so much yet, is still willing to deny those very fundamental rights even to this day.

Black people who built this country right beside you, and I dare say in front of you while you lounged around are owed so much more than any citizen could ever imagine. In fact, it is the Black man who bought you your freedom in blood; an ADOS man, Crispus Attucks whose blood was the first blood shed which sparked the revolutionary war, so yes, your freedom has been bought and paid for by the ancestry of the very people you are denying equal protections under the law, reparations, and equal voting access to.

You’re Welcome! How is that for irony?

John Lewis Beaten: Bloody Sunday March 7, 1965


Black People are still in search of their American Deam!

Political parties in the United States are still counting on the Black vote to garner a leg up over the other party in some fashion or another. Black Voters have woken up and are concluding that they have nothing to gain from ANY political apparatus in America. Black people are still target practice by the Republican party through political gerrymandering and other scare tactics that they use, even in present day America to limit voting access to Black Americans who oppose their views.

This same party does allow Black voters to join their ranks, but it is only after the Black individual has renounced their Black heritage by accepting whitewashed versions of American history and removing any evidence of mental, physical, psychological, ideological, spiritual, and emotional connection to the existed Black community.

Black Democratic voters are tired of seeing their candidates play by the rules, and get nothing carried out, while voters vote for people on the other side who stick together unanimously, break all the rules, only to still obtain power and set policies that help the very few of all voters. Black voters also have distrust in the party due to agenda items and policies specific for Black participants being co-opted by other groups, which turns out to benefitting them more than the Black voters who initially wanted the changes initiated.

Many Black Democrat Voters live extremely complex and difficult lives disallowing them the luxury of noticing the policies that benefit them on the federal level because of the slow reverberations of Washington DC unlike those policies on the state level; and then when those policies do reach the Black Voters the new Commander in Chief reverses those same policies and the party of the last White House Occupant does nothing to fight it. It is these antics that give Black voters apathy to the whole political process in the first place!

Voting access in more than thirty states across the nation is currently being rolled back in one form or another Voting Rollbacks. These attempts to restrict voting are more severe to the Black community in the United States than any other demographic. How can a republic flaunt its democracy when it allows continuous attacks to the supposedly free and fair voting process?


The time has come for the Black Indigenous Citizens of this country to go it alone, no political party, on the state nor federal level will ever fully commit to the affairs of slave descendants in the United States. Current narratives and historical events have taught us as much, to date since the end of Slavery; there has been no fair justice in the criminal justice system, no reparations, no fair and free voting access, no crime bill protections, and no full employment protections for Black ADOS Citizens, and the list goes on.

Black ADOS Voters do not trust you with our votes any longer,

These have been The Stated Affairs.


