White People, It is Time to Stop the Performative Allyship

Do the justice work instead

L.A. Justice


Group of activists with holding hands protesting in the city | Jacob Lund | Shutterstock.com

It is time to stop

It is time to stop posting all your self-congratulatory pics in your “Black Lives Matter” t-shirts. It is time to stop trying to prove to your one Black friend that you are not a racist.

It is time to stop the fake empathy whenever you read an article from a Black author, claiming to understand our experiences. It is time to stop monetizing our pain by being the white anti-racist writer who does nothing to actually dismantle injustice.

If you feel offended by anything I’ve said, it’s probably because it’s you who I am speaking about

It is time to stop silencing our voices with the “Yeah, but” argument. It is time to stop pushing your agenda for what YOU have determined to be the polite and proper way Black people are supposed to fight for justice.

It is time to stop creating these so-called “diversity and inclusion” programs that are nothing more than tokenism. Design racial equity programs instead.

Don’t be offended, just be better



L.A. Justice

Research & Policy Coordinator | Activist | Theologian | Author | Educator | Previously a Biochemist | Previous Top Writer in Racism and BlackLivesMatter