The Danger of Not Protecting the Truth in the Digital AI Era

Wayne Ince
Published in
6 min readOct 18, 2023
Photo from Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In an era where technological advancements are rapidly transforming the world, deep fakes have emerged as a looming threat to political campaigns, marketing strategies, and the integrity of information. Deep fakes, convincingly manipulated images, videos, or audio generated using artificial intelligence, can potentially deceive millions, erode public trust, and disrupt the fabric of society. This essay delves into the dangers of deep fakes in these realms and provides actionable insights on combating their growing menace.

Danger to Political Campaigns

The power of deep fakes to manipulate public sentiment is profoundly alarming. In political campaigns, where public perception plays a significant role, deep fakes pose an unprecedented threat. With the ability to convincingly impersonate politicians, deep fakes can fabricate speeches, distort intents, and create fictitious scenarios, easily swaying public opinion. These malicious attempts not only undermine trust in candidates but also facilitate misinformation campaigns that harm the democratic process itself.

Fabricating Speeches and Distorting Intents:

Deep fakes can convincingly impersonate politicians, creating fabricated speeches that never actually occurred. By manipulating video or audio recordings, malicious actors can make it appear that a candidate said something they never did, leading to confusion and mistrust among voters. These fabricated speeches can be used to misrepresent a candidate’s stance on critical issues, potentially swaying public opinion and distorting the electoral process.

Creating Fictitious Scenarios:

Another alarming aspect of deep fakes in political campaigns is their potential to create fictitious scenarios. By superimposing a candidate’s face onto someone else’s body or altering their words, deep fakes can make it seem as if a candidate engaged in inappropriate or unethical behavior. These fabricated scenarios can tarnish candidates’ reputations, damage their credibility, and manipulate public sentiment against them. Such malicious attempts not only harm the individuals involved but also erode trust in the democratic process itself.

The streaming application “Peacock,” part of NBC, has a very creative show, imported from Great Britain (UK), called Capture. The show highlights the intended “good use” of Deep Fake artificial intelligence only to unveil the consequences of its use by governments and private industry. Although a work of fiction, the show does highlight the need for public education and understanding the potentially disastrous consequences of AI and deep-fake technology.

Deep fakes can erode trust in political candidates and the information they present to the public. When voters are exposed to manipulated videos or audio recordings, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern what is genuine and fabricated. This erosion of trust can lead to a cynical electorate questioning the authenticity of candidates’ messages, making it challenging for voters to make informed decisions. Ultimately, this undermines the democratic process by creating an environment of doubt and uncertainty.

Impacts on Marketing Strategies

Beyond just politics, deep fakes also endanger marketing efforts. In an age driven by consumer trust, these deceptive creations can destroy the reputation of brands by misrepresenting their products or services. Scammers harness deep fakes to dupe unsuspecting customers, leading to financial losses and tarnishing companies’ images. Furthermore, influencer marketing, which plays a pivotal role in modern advertising, faces severe repercussions when influencers can be cloned and manipulated to endorse counterfeit or harmful products.

Misinformation Attacks and Social Stability

The prevalence of deep fakes allows for the propagation of misinformation on an unprecedented scale. The dissemination of manipulated information erodes public trust in established news outlets and fosters polarization. Deep fakes can ignite social unrest, spark hate crimes, and undermine the very foundation of civil discourse. This new medium for misinformation attacks further intensifies the challenges of tackling fake news, making it increasingly difficult for societies to make informed decisions and maintain social cohesion. There is a fake picture of former President Trump hugging Dr Fauci the highly recognized infectious disease expert in a political attack ad in Florida.

Facilitating Misinformation Campaigns:

Using deep fakes in political campaigns also opens the door to misinformation campaigns. Malicious actors can exploit the technology to spread false narratives, manipulate public sentiment, and sow discord among voters. By leveraging deep fakes, misinformation can be disseminated rapidly, making it difficult to debunk and correct false information. Deep fakes not only distort public perception but also hamper the ability of voters to make informed choices based on accurate information.

For example, Amazon’s super popular voice assistant, Alexa, with a whopping 70 million users, said the 2020 election was “stolen.” Can you believe it? Maybe some people still believe the election fraud lie peddled by far-right politicians without any respectable moral obligation to tell the truth. The Washington Post reported that Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant claimed the 2020 election was stolen in an article published on October 7, 2023.

Combating the Deep Fake Menace

Addressing the dangers posed by deep fakes necessitates a multi-faceted approach involving technology, education, and regulation. Technological advances should focus on developing efficient and accessible deep fake detection tools. Leveraging machine learning algorithms and collaboration between tech companies, academia, and governments can help identify and flag deep fakes quickly. Moreover, continued investment in research to improve accuracy and detection capabilities is paramount.


Education plays a pivotal role in empowering individuals to not only identify but also critically evaluate the veracity of media content. Promoting media literacy, fact-checking initiatives, and critical thinking skills are essential to cultivating a discerning public. By arming citizens with the tools to identify and navigate through deep fakes, societies can develop a resilient defense against their harmful effects.

Promoting Media Literacy and Critical Thinking

Education is vital in equipping individuals with the skills to navigate the digital landscape effectively. By incorporating media literacy and critical thinking into curricula, educational institutions can empower students to discern authentic and manipulated content. Teaching individuals how to verify sources, fact-check information, and critically evaluate media can help them become more resilient to the influence of deep fakes. By fostering a well-informed and skeptical society, education can act as a powerful defense against spreading misinformation through deep fakes.

Regulations Needed

Regulation is an essential safeguard against the malicious use of deep fakes. Governments and international organizations should work collaboratively to establish legislation that criminalizes creating and distributing deep fakes with malicious intent. Implementing regulatory frameworks can deter potential offenders and protect individuals and industries from unnecessary harm. “Sen. Klobuchar and U.S. Rep. Yvette Clarke of New York sent letter to technology executives” regarding guardrails for AI and deep fake technology.

Public Awareness Campaigns:

Education and Regulation in Harmony Education and government regulation can work hand in hand to raise public awareness about the dangers of deep fakes. Public awareness campaigns can be initiated to educate individuals about the existence and potential impact of deep fakes. These campaigns can emphasize the importance of critical thinking, media literacy, and responsible sharing of information. By combining educational initiatives with government regulations, society can better identify and mitigate the risks associated with deep fakes.


The advent of deep fakes poses an imminent threat to political campaigns, marketing strategies, and the integrity of information shared investing in technology, promoting media literacy education, and implementing regulations that protect the integrity of political systems, marketing efforts, and public discourse; societies can combat the dissemination of deep fakes and preserve the integrity of political systems, marketing efforts, and public discourse. There is a need to take proactive measures today to ensure a safe and truthful digital environment for future generations. To safeguard the digital landscape for future generations, proactive steps must be taken at present to guarantee its safety and integrity. The ability to convincingly impersonate politicians, fabricate speeches, distort intentions, and create fictitious scenarios undermines trust in candidates and facilitates the spread of misinformation. Policymakers, technology companies, and the public must address this issue collectively, developing robust strategies to detect and combat deep fakes. Protecting the integrity of political campaigns is essential for maintaining a healthy democratic society where voters can make informed decisions based on reliable information. While there is some focus on this technology in the political space, I think attention is needed on both sides of the aisle for AI deep fake technology used against marginalized communities to instill fear and cause irreparable harm toward false criminal action and increased murdering of minorities. Fake 911 call-outs and Robo-call political ads with false claims targeting African Americans already occur, so it’s possible to manipulate situations to falsely target a segment of the population already predisposed to racial criminal astigmatism with a few keystrokes. The protection of personal privacy and personal safety is of great importance.



Wayne Ince

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices