The Reverse Freedom Ride: A Historical Examination of Forced Migration

Wayne Ince
Published in
6 min readJan 1, 2024

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The Reverse Freedom Ride, another often unspoken buried yet controversial event in American history, saw pro-nationalist white Christian supremacists transport American citizens and black families from the Southern states to the North. This article delves into some details of this event, the families involved, and its similarities to recent migrant flights.

The Reverse Freedom Ride: An Overview

The Reverse Freedom Ride was a movement that took place in the 1960s, orchestrated by white supremacists in the South. They wanted to remove the black population from the South and send them to the Northern states. This event is a dark chapter in American history, a stark contrast to the Freedom Rides that sought to challenge segregation in the South.

One family involved in the Reverse Freedom Ride was the Alan Gilmore family. Like many others, their story is a testament to the resilience and strength of those forced to leave their homes and start anew in unfamiliar territories. Leaving behind their beloved home, the Gilmores embarked on a tumultuous journey in search of a better future. The resilience and strength they displayed throughout their ordeal were awe-inspiring. Despite facing many obstacles and encountering hostility, they never lost hope.

The Reverse Freedom Ride was not just a physical displacement and journey for the Gilmore family but also an emotional and psychological one. They had to confront the harsh reality of racism head-on, experiencing firsthand the deep-seated prejudices ingrained in society.

Starting anew in unfamiliar territories, the Gilmores faced the daunting task of building a life from scratch. They had to find employment, secure housing, and establish a sense of community in a place that initially felt alien to them. However, their determination and perseverance ultimately paid off as they slowly carved out a new life.

Martha’s Vineyard: An Unlikely Destination

Martha’s Vineyard, a popular vacation spot, became an unlikely destination for some families. The island, known for its affluence and predominantly white population, was a stark contrast to the Southern states from which they sent these families. Martha’s Vineyard is an idyllic island and tourist destination for two months out of the year, often favored by wealthy personalities.

The Gilmore family faced challenges and hardships during the Reverse Freedom Ride but approached their journey with dogged determination and resilience. They were among the countless individuals who had to uproot their lives and adapt to unfamiliar surroundings because of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Like so many others, the Alan Gilmore family’s story serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who endured the hardships of the Reverse Freedom Ride. Their resilience and strength continually inspired generations, reminding us of the importance of perseverance in difficult circumstances. Their stories testify to the human spirit’s ability to adapt and thrive in adversity. Black families and a diverse population that includes Portuguese-speaking Brazilian inhabitants show how wrong right-wing media led by former Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson were. They described the island as some rich people’s playground, with neither a diverse population nor a working-class community. They got it wrong and told false narratives or spin to their audience and painted a false picture of migrants wanting to go to Martha’s Vineyard with jobs waiting for them and the local population being less than enthusiastic about receiving them. What occurred that went unreported primarily, certainly by national media, was the migrants cleaning their accommodations from top to bottom to show appreciation to hosts and to keep busy. They didn’t look for or expect handouts but only sought safety, security, and the opportunity to provide for their families. Sounds like they wanted the “American Dream,” like most citizens and immigrants.

Comparing the Reverse Freedom Ride to Desantis Migrant Flight

Recent events have drawn parallels between the Reverse Freedom Ride and the Desantis Martha’s Vineyard Migrant Flight. The latter saw Southern migrants, predominantly minorities, sent to Northern states. They have criticized this move as a political ploy, with critics drawing comparisons to the Reverse Freedom Ride.

While the contexts and motivations behind these two events differ, they highlight forced migration and its impact on individuals and communities. The comparison serves as a reminder of the lessons from history and the need to address such issues with sensitivity and respect for human rights.

The Shame of Sending Southern Migrants to the North

Forced migration, whether it was during the Reverse Freedom Ride or the Desantis Migrant Flight, is a shameful act. It strips individuals of their agency, forcing them to leave their homes and start anew in unfamiliar territories. It violates human rights and dignity.

Statistics show that forced migration often leads to a host of issues, including economic instability, social dislocation, and psychological trauma. Uprooting individuals and families from their homes resembles uprooting a tree from its soil. The effects are long-lasting and often devastating. Republican presidential candidate under indictment shouts and screams at his election rallies that America is closed to immigrants and that our country is already “full.” Like the United States, is a concert somehow oversold, and ticket holders must request a refund? He does not mention Russians paying exorbitant fees to stay at Trump properties to birth babies for dual-citizenships. However, he rails and foams at the mouth with saliva regarding how overpopulated our country is now.

For example, consider the case of Syrian refugees fleeing the civil war in their country. The forced migration of millions of Syrians has resulted in significant economic instability in neighboring countries as they struggle to accommodate the influx of refugees. The sudden increase in population has strained resources, job markets, and public services, leading to higher unemployment rates and increased poverty levels among both locals and refugees. The sudden increase in population has caused social dislocation as it disrupts communities and shatters traditional support systems. Many refugees face discrimination, isolation, and difficulties in integrating into the new society, further exacerbating social tensions.

The experience of forced migration often inflicts psychological trauma on individuals and families. Losing homes, separation from loved ones, exposure to violence, and extreme hardships all contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These statistics highlight the multifaceted challenges forced migrants encounter, emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive support and solutions.

His supporters deflect, asking why he shouldn’t make a buck off of “tourists” staying at his Trump properties. After all, Russians are not from Mexico, so it’s alright. Isn’t it? They further say that he isn’t racist, with proof in his African American for Trump supporters. He has their support, but like most things in the Trump universe, it is all transactional. He gets support and offers small amounts of funds and loads of promises for more to appease. I’ll be honest: it usually works, just like the Reverse Freedom Ride transaction and the reported undercover DeSantis operation, to target migrants and fly them to Martha’s Vineyard with fake consent forms, pamphlets, and fake promises of jobs with accommodations. See the connection: a political campaign gets publicity, and migrants get used. So, racism is still racism.


The Reverse Freedom Ride stands as a somber testament to the depths individuals would sink to uphold racial segregation. It reminds us of the unwavering determination and resilience displayed by families like the Gilmore’s, showcasing the indomitable spirit of humanity.

Recent events, such as the Desantis Migrant Martha’s Vineyard Flight, have drawn parallels to the Reverse Freedom Ride for me, highlighting the ongoing issue of forced migration. When White American supremacists decided they wanted a post-slavery southern state, it was a pro-white segregated utopia that extracted people with darker pigmentation and devalued any ancestral slave and indigenous natives from occupied white-established communities and lands. Also, it is a reminder of the lessons from history and the need to address such issues with sensitivity and respect for human rights. Migrants from Texas who forcefully moved to Martha’s Vineyard face unfair labeling as “illegals” by anti-immigrant supporters. These white supremacists act as if they reserved humanity and dignified treatment for only white Christians. Christian love or sadistic religious fervor?



Wayne Ince

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices