Stop Asian Hate Protest, Washington D.C. | 21 Mar 2021 | Photo Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

There’s nothing pro-Black about Asian Hate

We need to abolish non-Black minority negligence and always do the right thing.

Johnny Silvercloud
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2021


Stop Asian Hate

There has always been an element of the Black Community who claim they are pro-Black, or Pan-African, who enjoys others’ plight, especially other nonwhite communities in America or abroad. I’ve for years seen numerous Black content creators endorse hatred of other nonwhite people. This thing needs to stop.

There are far too many Pro-Black content creators and personalities online who claim to be revolutionaries or leaders who have no fundamental strategic understanding of the battle-space.

You see, there are two parts to the sociopolitically aware Black Community. One side is the one aimed outward, looking at white supremacy. The other side is aimed inward, dealing with uplifting the community, reallocating resources, etc. The anti-racism types are the ones who are oriented outward, while the pro-Black types are the ones oriented inward.

In most cases, the “Pro-Black” content creators hates how the anti-racism types work. The Pro-Black types hate the notion of talking to, collecting data, and…



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.