Too Many Urkels on Your Team, That’s Why Your Wins-Low

Yep, you did it, so stop asking!



Urkel really did it this time — Photo Source: Wikimedia

I would have loved nothing more than to ignore yet another Black man showcasing his hatred towards Black women.

But as I have said many times, mention Black women in a negative light, and *voila,* I appear!

Now, if you’re a Black man reading this, I know you so desperately want this to be a rant from another “bitter Black woman” who is simply mad that Black men are dating women of other races.

Unfortunately for you, that’s not why we’re here.

Instead, I want to address the fact that, for some reason, Black men can’t just date who they want and be happy; they have to try to drag Black women in the process.

Here’s an overview of some of the comments Jaleel made about Black women in the past:

Unpacking the cap

This video was loaded with BS. Allow me to unpack it.




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