Is Anyone Surprised Trump Wanted to Shoot BLM Protesters?

If so, why? It should come as no surprise Trump wanted to physically harm civil rights activists. This is the United States after all.

Arturo Dominguez


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Former President Donald “Dog Whistle” Trump made his beliefs and motivations clear more times than anyone cares to count — on top of his tens of thousands of lies. Hearing that he was willing to use the power of the president to attack US citizens is something we’ve heard about before. It’s not a new revelation. But, another former Trump crony trying to profit and sanitize their image from their time in office seems to have confirmed the previous reporting.

According to Axios, former defense secretary Mark Esper’s memoir “A Sacred Oath” proves what was reported by New York Times reporter Michael Bender last year. Bender wrote in “We Did Win This Election” that Trump sought to “beat the fuck” out of Black Lives Matter protesters in Washington DC. Bender adds that Trump said, “just shoot them” on several occasions.

Bender also went on to say that Trump toned down his demands only after Attorney General William Barr and Joint Chiefs Charmain Gen. Mark Milley offered pushback. Then, Trump allegedly asked about just shooting protesters outside the White House in the legs or feet…



Arturo Dominguez

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |