Trump’s Blackout At The NABJ
Trump didn’t try to hide his white hood and robes.
Donald Trump has always been His Own Worst Enemy.
It’s likely Trump would be a genuine billionaire today if he invested the $400 million inheritance his father left him. Instead, he blew all his cash on building casinos and ugly skyscrapers because Trump’s daddy issues led him to believe he was the reincarnation of Robert Moses.
(Narrator: No. He wasn’t)
Lately, it appears that sixty plus years of bad decisions have finally accumulated into an avalanche that has buried Donnie up to his neck:
Trump wouldn't shut up about E. Jean Carroll, so the $5 million settlement from the trial ballooned to $83.3 million.
The Stormy Daniel’s “hush money/election interference” trial never would have happened if Trump paid Daniels the $130,000 he owed her.
For months, federal agents requested the return of the boxes of classified documents Trump “borrowed” from the White House until they got tired of being jerked around and raided Mar-A-Lago.
Let’s call it Trump’s Law: when in doubt, do the dumbest thing imaginable. Then do it again.
As Fran Lebowitz said, “Everyone says he is crazy – which maybe he is – but the scarier thing about him is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.”
True to form, Trump isn’t getting any smarter.
Trump and the GOP know they need more than the support of his hardcore base of Incels, rednecks and neo-Nazis to win the presidency.
(Maybe there’s a troubling erosion in his polls, huh? It would explain this preliminary targeting of a demographic that’s historically been a tough nut for the GOP to crack)
But like the parable of Sisyphus and the boulder, it’s going to be an uphill battle.
The debacle at the National Association of Black Journalists forum didn’t help.
Mind you, it was a controversial decision for the NABJ to invite Trump at all; the disgraced ex-real estate mogul has a long and ugly history of racist behavior:
Trump’s rental properties sued for discriminating against people of color.
Trump buying full-page ads in three major newspapers in the US advocating for the execution of the Central Park Five.
Trump equating his presidency to the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. “I’ve done more for Black Americans than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln. Nobody has even been close.”
Anyway, it happened and, as expected, it was a train wreck.
The few brothers and sisters teetering on the narrow ledge of being “Trump-curious” got a brutal wake-up call.
Trump didn’t bother to conceal his contempt for every non-white person there.
This mofo is blackplaining our identity to us. Put some respect on our name.
Trump’s self-immolation was so bad, his minions hustled his orange carcass off the stage faster than the Secret Service did in Atlanta.
Even the “conservative” subset of the black community whose political beliefs lean closer to Michael Steele than Jim Clyburn now understand that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Jim Crow.
Andra Gillespie, a political scientist at Emory University, said, “Conservative Black people are still more likely to be Democrats because most of them still have perceptually viewed the Republican party as problematic.”
Trump’s idea of “black jobs” is black people being cogs in the for-profit penal industry.
Trump had one job: reach out to the African-American community and dispel the narrative of him being a vile, unapologetic bigot.
Ain’t got nothing for you, man. No Hollywood redemption arc to be found here, Donnie. No bounce for the GOP either.
Did he fuck it up? Of course he did. He fought the Law and Trump’s Law won.
It’s the only thing Trump is good at.