Voting While White

Why An Even Larger Majority of White Folks Voted for Trump

Herbert Dyer, Jr.



Joe Biden has just been declared the winner of the November 3rd election for the presidency. Trump and his regime are, of course, still pulling out all stops (if ever there were any) in a desperate attempt to delegitimize not just Biden’s victory but the whole entire electoral process, claiming “victory” and victimization in the same breath.

It appears that even more white people voted for Trump this time around than they did four years ago. This despite his now proven record of endemic corruption, self-dealing, openly racist, misogynistic and xenophobic utterances and policies, blatant and brazen nepotism, and a steady stream of conscious lies beginning on Day One of his putative “administration.”

And, Trump’s deadly mismanagement of Covid-19, a 100-year health crisis, should have automatically disqualified him from even daring to seek a second term.

Yet, a clear and consistent majority of white people long ago decided that this man Trump is who they wanted, needed, to “represent” them against the ever-darkening hordes whom they fear are all set to “replace” them and steal their God-given power and right to rule. The real fear of these people is not replacement or theft of power, but the mere possibility that that selfsame power will be…



Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link,