Conservatives Hate Critical Thought, Not Critical Race Theory

They’re afraid to let students hear any explanation of inequality that doesn’t blame Black people themselves

Tim Wise
Published in
8 min readNov 19, 2021


Image: snow toy, Shutterstock, standard license, purchased by the author

I have a question for conservatives.

Actually, it’s not just for conservatives.

It’s for anyone who thinks schools should prohibit analysis and perspectives derived from Critical Race Theory (CRT) from being taught in the classroom.

The question is simple.

Do y’all know what a theory is?

Do you understand what it means to have a theory and why one might devise such a thing? I don’t just mean about race. I mean about anything.

Like, a theory about why, when you hold a ball waist-high and let it go, it falls to the ground?

Or how humans developed our large and complex brains and various traits over time?

Our ability to engage theories is a crucial element of critical thinking

Both of these — in the first instance, gravity, and the second, evolution — were devised, as with any theory, to explain an observable phenomenon.



Tim Wise

Anti-racism educator and author of 9 books, including White Like Me and, most recently, Dispatches from the Race War (City Lights, December 2020)