What Exactly Does Healing the Country Mean?

How is the phrase “healing the country” going to be any different than “make America great again?”

L.A. Justice


“Unity Over Division”. A young Black child holds a political support sign in favor of the Biden/Harris win on the 2020 Presidential Election. Washington D.C., on Black Lives Matter Plaza. | 7 Nov 2020 | Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

There have been many calls for healing the nation since the brutal domestic terrorist attack on Capitol Hill that was incited by Trump and carried out by his Manson-like followers, some of whom had weapons and pipe bombs, some who may have intended to kidnap lawmakers, and others who actually left feces and urine in hallways and offices. Healing the country is EXACTLY what is needed. However, while most of us agree that it is needed, we must first recognize that it means vastly different things to different people.

How is the phrase “healing the country” going to be any different than “make America great again?” It almost insinuates healing what occurred on Jan. 6 so we can return to the systemically racist and oppressive society that already exists, which continuously victimizes black and brown citizens. And, unfortunately, this is just what it will mean for much of this nation.

It is time for America to be better than this. It is time for this country that is so deeply entrenched in white supremacy to cease being the nation it has always been. If all lives truly matter, then America needs to embrace this to ensure that black lives matter equally as well…



L.A. Justice

Research & Policy Coordinator | Activist | Theologian | Author | Educator | Previously a Biochemist | Previous Top Writer in Racism and BlackLivesMatter