What the MAGAs are Really Afraid of

Hint: It’s Called Fear of a Black Country

Kevin Christopher Brown
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2021


Photo Credit: Ashley Gilbertson, New York Times

So, it’s come to this. A bloodthirsty mob of ill-informed angry white men and women — egged on by then hater-in-chief Donald Trump — staged an insurrection on the nation’s capital. Six people were killed during the bloody siege, all in the name of “stopping the steal,” whatever the hell that even means, given the fact that Joe Biden won the popular vote (by over 7 million) and received enough certified electoral votes to secure his legitimate victory as our nation’s 46th president.

And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

That’s what Trump told his rabid, red meat-eating followers just before they stormed the Capital with deadly intentions. And they did it under the cynical guise of victimhood — that their rights had somehow been assailed because their knight in shining white supremacy would no longer be around to implement their racist agenda. Fuel for the flames of insurrection came in the form of Trump’s continual lie that the presidential election was fraudulent and stolen from him.

Trump’s words drill straight to the core of the matter — that without a white supremacist as president, everything the MAGAs hold near and dear would die a slow, painful death. White supremacy, white privilege…



Kevin Christopher Brown

Award-winning author of Kindred Spirits, and Stupid Sh*t We Did in College… (and Stuff). Writer, Actor, Designer, Nomad. www.holbrookbrownuniverse.com