Racism + Society

Why Do Black People Get Attacked For Doing Their Jobs?

On the Montgomery Riverfront attack.

Petiri Ira
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2023


Photo by cottonbro studio

Over the past few days, social media has been reacting to a multitude of videos that showcase a group of White people violently attacking a Black riverboat worker, after he asked them to move their illegally parked boat. The fight was captured on Saturday night but started gaining traction on Sunday night. Black Twitter users celebrated footage of the riverfront fight, which showed the group of white assailants getting the tables turned on them by a number of Black people who rushed up to the riverboat worker’s aid.

The brawl started when a pontoon boat prevented a larger riverboat from docking. And when the Black riverboat worker did his job by telling them to move, he was attacked by a group of white men. It is important to contextualize the video given the history of Montgomery. Black people have the right to defend themselves and this incident is exemplary of that.

It started when a small vessel was blocking a large Harriott II Riverboat from being able to dock near Riverfront Park, a waterfront area that features a splash pad and hosts concerts and other community activities.

It is important to take into account the history of where this all took place…



Petiri Ira

Bylines in Screenshot Media, gal-dem, Malalafund, Momentum, ZORA. Contact: petiriira@gmail.com