Why Gentle Black Parenting Is Revolutionary

It's a style of parenting that will finally let Black kids feel and communicate their emotions without being shut down.

Petiri Ira


A mother with her baby. | Via Pixabay

For Black children, the parenting style we've known is one of survival and toughness. Many people who have been raised by Black parents have recounted their experiences as emotional unavailability. But, gentle Black parenting says otherwise.

New generations of Black parents are taking the revolutionary step to adopt a gentle parenting style that encourages a two-way, and mutual respect relationship between themselves and their children.

Why are new waves of Black parents adopting gentle parenting?

Multitudes of Black children have expressed how their childhoods have been full of an influx of emotional unavailability. This is the root of the trauma and survival techniques Black people have had to succumb to because of generational trauma from colonisation, slavery, and surviving in a world that did not favour us.

This caused a culture of disregarding emotions to be passed down from generation to generation. This toxic culture has been described as being taught to suppress our emotions and feelings because they are “irrelevant” and…



Petiri Ira

Bylines in Screenshot Media, gal-dem, Malalafund, Momentum, ZORA. Contact: petiriira@gmail.com