Why Didn’t the Police force a Confession out of Derek Chauvin?

People get grilled in police interrogations. This murderer didn’t. Why?

Johnny Silvercloud


A video still of the police interrogation of Michael Dunn, the racist murderer of Jordan Davis. So it is proven that police can properly interrogate white supremacists. So why didn’t they with Chauvin? | 24 Nov 2012

Was Derek Chauvin Interrogated Properly?

When I glanced at the Derek Chauvin trial (April, 2021) I kept on wondering about his interrogation. What did it look like? How was his demeanor? Does his interrogation even exist? More than likely, he ran behind his lawyer immediately.

But still, my biggest question is this: how come the police didn’t sweat out a confession from Derek Chauvin?

I really don’t get the audacity of white supremacy. How could you not confess? After all, it’s on video, and it has been seen around the world thousand times over. Literal video evidence exists. Law enforcement has made suspects confess off of blatantly obvious video evidence for years. Law enforcement would even lie about video evidence, saying they have it, to force a confession out of someone. Police often play make-believe with evidence, as they are authorized to lie to suspects, citing “video evidence” because it’s among the most vital type of proof of criminality. If cops are completely willing to lie about video evidence to force confessions out of people, why in the hell did they not do so with Derek Chauvin, being that there’s…



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.