Why Stephen Curry’s Family is Teased and LeBron James’ Family Is Not

Same-Race Favorist Racism is a Sickness



Is it all fair and love and basketball? | Photo by Tara-mae Miller on Unsplash

This morning I woke up to some mess: same-race racists making jokes about Steph Curry’s light-skinned family and accusing him of being a colorist.

Not all were poking at the color — others chose to poke at the son and his features.

Here’s what gets me.

I didn’t see all this commentary when Steph married his first love, Ayesha, a light-skinned Black woman.

I didn’t see all this commentary when Steph and Ayesha welcomed their daughters, Riley and Ryan.

It wasn’t until their son, Canon, was born and seen around that people started the talk.

It appears it was okay to have a pretty, light-skinned wife and two matching daughters but not a son of the same hue — like his mother AND father!

Are only women supposed to be light-skinned and only men are supposed to be dark?



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