Get more than 24h in a day: time management

Emma Hanegraef
AFT Pulse
4 min readMar 28, 2023


I have always struggled to manage my time and balance a variety of obligations. With my sometimes hectic schedule, it was critical that I developed the ability to efficiently prioritize my work in order to achieve my goals and objectives.

This is what I learned along the way:

1.Create a to-do list: List all the tasks you have to complete in the beginning. You may better organize your ideas and make sure you don’t forget anything by doing this. Todoist is my go-to option!

2. Use a planner or calendar: You may keep track of significant dates and activities by using a planner or calendar. Use it to arrange your tasks and assign each one a certain time. I personally love the Outlook Calendar. Simple, clean and syncs automatically with the calendar invites from your mailbox.

3. Employ the “two-minute rule”: Finish tasks that can be finished in two minutes or less. This will enable you to finish your to-do list fast and prevent procrastinating. Your two minutes of time on a task can help the people around you to proceed with their tasks.

4. Divide jobs into manageable steps: Whenever a task seems too big, divide it into manageable steps. As you finish each phase, this will make it simpler to manage and give you a sense of accomplishment. I generate subtasks in Todoist when a task is too big. I got addicted to checking of the marks, so this really boosts my productivity.

5. Make use of technology by using the numerous applications and tools that are available to manage your time and stay organized. Todoist, Airtable and Notion are a few of my most favourite choices.

6. Prioritize critical jobs first: When setting your work priorities, be sure to start with the most crucial ones. This will guarantee that you go forward with your objectives rather than getting distracted by less significant tasks.

7. Maintain order in your workspace: Distractions and a loss of productivity can result from clutter. Have a tidy and orderly workspace to reduce distractions and improve attention. No need to be a clean freak like me, but a clean workplace = a clean mind.

8. Establish deadlines for yourself. Deadlines can help you stay motivated and focused. Set reasonable deadlines and hold yourself accountable for meeting them. Especially with long term tasks: break them into smaller steps and set deadlines for each step.

9. No matter how well you plan, unforeseen events will inevitably arise, so learn to be adaptable. You can stay on track and prevent feeling overwhelmed by developing your ability to be adaptable and adjust to changing situations. During busy periods (close to important deadlines), it could happen that you need to move some tasks to help your organisers solve unforeseen issues. No need to stress! If you prioritised your tasks, the most important stuff will still be done by the end of the day.

10. Don’t be hesitant to ask for assistance when you need it. Asking for help, whether it comes from a mentor, a co-worker, or a friend, can be a useful strategy for time management and job prioritization.

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Emma Hanegraef
AFT Pulse

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