Land an internship in New York City

Ulysse Maes
AFT Pulse
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2022

Now more than ever, employers emphasize the importance of practical experience in their hiring process. As a student, you can get ahead of the curve by applying for international internships. Not only will your experience make your CV stand out and boost your chances of landing a job in the future, it can also be an unforgettable experience. For many people, the ultimate desire is to establish a job in New York City, which is sometimes referred to as the “world’s capital” and is known for being the leader in fields like banking, fashion, and marketing. The downside is that, due to its popularity, there is a lot of competition. Use the five tips in this article to successfully apply for an internship in New York City.

Credits: Pexels

Are interns in NYC paid?

New York is an expensive city, so it might be quite essential to know how much an internship will pay. Getting an internship in New York City doesn’t always imply getting paid enough to support a posh NYC lifestyle. Although most short-term internships in NYC turn out to be unpaid work, it’s not impossible to get paid. Numerous businesses and organizations provide internships, which pay interns in the form of an hourly wage, a stipend, reimbursement for travel and subsistence costs, etc. However, like with many internships around the world, the firm or organization where you are interning often decides if they provide money.

But you shouldn’t let money stop you from interning in one of the world’s most amazing cities! There are several scholarships offered through your university, private foundations, or state money for people taking creative sector internships in New York City.

Additionally, make sure to investigate whether your internship qualifies for academic credit from your university. Long-term cost savings may be possible with this. Also, remember that having an internship in New York City will most likely be very beneficial to your career.

5 suggestions for landing an internship in New York City

1. Know what makes you unique and have a strong narrative

Unsure about how to obtain an internship in New York City? In a diversified metropolis full of individuals who share one similar goal: to succeed, being the most distinctive individual does not have the same value as it does in a small town. College students need to stand out from the crowd and perfect their art and talents if they want to get internships in NYC.

You must concentrate on developing your story and establishing your identity. You need an edge in this metropolis if you want to be noticed. What distinguishes you? Why should they hire you, specifically? The desire to succeed must go hand in hand with an edge; you have to show why you want it so bad. Expect long days, and demanding tasks.

2. Make your resume stand out

Having a strong resume is indispensable. Your CV ought to depict you in your best light. It needs to highlight your accomplishments, experiences, and career goals. Consider using your CV to advertise your unique brand to potential employers. Use your imagination! Make use of the resume’s layout to highlight your personality and skill set.

3. Create a CV specifically for New York hiring supervisors.

One page is the maximum length for a resume, which should be brief and pleasant. You must be able to captivate the employer by sharing your story and demonstrating your experience and abilities.

We advise using this format:

standard formatted header

professional statement of one sentence

Work experience (no more than 2–3 jobs or internships that are relevant to the position you’re applying for)

Your education

Your top skills

Use specific language and proactive verbs to make your professional experience stand out and convey initiative and skill. It’s crucial to make your resume simple to read and customized for the job you’re looking for!

4. Include a cover letter even if one is not necessary.

In a cover letter, you have the chance to elaborate on everything you’ve said in your resume and CV in the cover letter. Use it to demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the job. Show them that you did your homework! It can help you stand out from other applicants with comparable experience and credentials. The hiring manager should be the only recipient of your one-page cover letter, which should have the same formatted heading as your resume.

5. Create relationships through networking

In New York City, people network without even realizing it, since every interaction is an opportunity. New York is known for being an industry leader, in many different fields. As a result, creating valuable relationships in your chosen, in-demand field is easy.

The goal is to establish these relationships as soon as possible, while you are still gaining information and experience related to your degree. By merely meeting the proper individuals, these encounters may facilitate mentorships and internships. You can develop a personal branding that links uniqueness with skills by observing successful professionals.

New York makes sense as a student

It’s not an easy job to secure an internship in New York City, but these crucial hints might set you on the right course. For undergraduate and international students, New York City offers a wealth of year-round personal and professional options. The city doesn’t operate on a fall/spring semester schedule. Every week, there are several easily accessible industry-specific events, whether it be an art show or a technological expo.

Finding one’s specialization is encouraged by the city’s numerous sectors. College and international students living in New York City have the opportunity of identifying their job path before entering the workforce thanks to first-hand exposure to a variety of different vocations. If necessary, they can change their course of study without incurring any extra fees or penalties. Why wait until you graduate from college to start working in international markets? Launch your career right away!

AFT Student Startup Trip

If you are a student studying in Belgium, AFT has some good news for you. We have reserved some spots on our upcoming Student Startup Trip to New York. In this 9-day trip, you will get the opportunity to discover the Big Apple’s startup ecosystem, connect with friendly and successful professionals, and get to know the American mentality and lifestyle. Of course, a lot of fun with our diverse group of driven participants is guaranteed as well. You can apply by signing up here.

