SST Alumni, where are they now?

Timo martens
AFT Pulse
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2022

Over the years, Academics for Technology has organised multiple international startup trips, 10 to be precise. This means that a couple hundred people have had the opportunity to go on such a trip. Most of these end up in the world of startups and some even end up founding their own startup. What is their opinion on such startup trips?

Julie Dumoulin — Founder Opinry

Julie participated in the 2021 trip to Belgium and has since set her eyes on founding her own startup, Opinry, which is all about designing packaging the right way, using data. According to her, the value of a startup trip is the way in which you get inspired by both the visits on the trip, but also the people that you share this experience with. All of the participants have the same ambition. This fondness of startups is something that maybe not all of your friends share, but rest assured that your fellow participants will share that passion.

When we asked her what she personally got out of the trip, she replied with: “Well, the trip was online in our case, which didn’t make it easier. But, expanding your network is the primary result. Managers and entrepreneurs are also normal people, who are willing to help you as long as you ask for it. You have to pull yourself out of your comfort zone and dare to take the plunge.”


Sebastian Baes — Co-Founder EXTRAQT

Sebastian, just as Julie, participated in our 2021 trip. Right now, he is working on EXTRAQT, using rivers and other waterways as thermal control systems. He believes that a startup trip is the ideal way to give a first insight into startup stories. It gives you a correct image for when you’d like to participate in a startup ecosystem. On the one hand, this might lead to more well-founded and successful startup stories. On the other hand, it could also lead to startups attracting the right talent.

His biggest learning from the trip was the fact that every visit had an intrinsic motivation for their startup. Having this drive was one of the primary reasons for him writing his own story. One of the quotes from the trip that he is quite fond of is: “Startups often have a rollercoaster experience with lots of ups and downs, but the most important part here is to enjoy the ride.” During his time at EXTRAQT, he experiences this on a regular basis and that’s why he likes to remind himself to enjoy it to the fullest.

Sebastian (right) with his co-founder Jan (left)

Arthur Stockman — Co-Founder Broadkastr

Arthur has been on the Student Startup Trip to Singapore in 2019 and has been organiser of 2020’s trip that had been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At this time, he is actively pursuing a success story with Broadkastr, his startup.

To quote him literally as I believe it’s formulated quite beautifully: “A big part of a successful startup ecosystem is having a large enough population of students excited to join a startup or start one themselves. Having them involved in starting and scaling businesses from a young age will accelerate their professional growth, which will pay dividends in the future. Not only for them, but for the ecosystem as a whole. It’s a flywheel effect: successful startups and entrepreneurs encourages more talent to take the plunge, which in turn will have a positive impact on current and future startups.

As what he has learned from experiencing the trip: ”The trip to Singapore has mostly been an eye-opener. I can confidently say that something clicked during that trip. I always had an interest in startups. This was the first time I was part of a group of students that are all interested in pursuing such a career. The enthusiasm of the group was infectious, the visits and talks we had with local startups showed us what it actually meant to get started.

Arthur behind the scenes of a Broadkastr livestream

Closing notes

As you can see, the startup trips that we organise have had a big influence on these SST alumni/founders. Therefore, I urge you to do the same. Apply for the Belgium Startup Trip and explore your interest in startups together with a group of enthusiastic people. You can find more information on our website:



Timo martens
AFT Pulse

Computer science student at the university of KULeuven.