A Tale as Old as Time

Adam Wright
After Actions
Published in
1 min readAug 27, 2014

I feel like the term liberal is too divisive. And I don’t even know what conservative means any more. I’m switching to more accurate terms: from now on I’ll refer to Dems as either The Gentility or The Nobility, and Repubs as The Rabble or The Mob, since these are the archetypes that they pretty much perpetually inhabit now.

The cocktails, the educations, even the monocles: The Nobility loves to link itself with the common man for show and sport and absolution.
The common man on the other hand, grows angrier and angrier as progress leaves him behind, and the things he says he needs — faith, family structure, a nice sidearm — are denied him by the gentry, who believe their own lifestyles can be afforded by anyone.

