Every Ride Home from School with My Four Year Old

a masterclass in redirection

After Hours @ Write On
4 min readNov 29, 2021


ME: How was school today?

HIM: Hurry!

ME: Why are we hurrying?

HIM: I want to leave before Lizzy!

ME: Ok, well hang on. I need to put–

HIM: Goooooo.

ME: I’m putting your seatbelt on. Hang on.

HIM: They’re leaving!

ME: Ah, bummer.

HIM: Aw, I wanted to be first!

ME: Do you want your snack?

HIM: I wanted to be first.

ME: Snack?

HIM: Granola bar, please.

ME: Thank you for asking nicely.

HIM: James didn’t say please.

ME: He didn’t?

HIM: No. At lunchtime… At lunchtime…

ME: Uh huh.

HIM: At lunchtime he didn’t say please.

ME: Hm. That’s not very polite.

HIM: Yeah. Teacher Taylor said, “Say please.”

ME: That’s good.

HIM: I need water!

ME: What do we say?

HIM: Huh?

ME: When we want something, what do we say?

HIM: I’m thirsty.

ME: No, I know that. How do we ask nicely?

HIM: Oh, please.

ME: Thank you for asking nicely.

HIM: Why are we going this way?

ME: What do you mean? This is the way home. We go this way every day.

HIM: But why are they turning?

ME: Because they probably live that way.

HIM: Why do they live that way?

ME: That’s where their house is.

HIM: Why isn’t our house there?

ME: Because we live on our street.

HIM: Ugh! We live so far away.

ME: We really don’t. It’s less than a mile from school.

HIM: It takes forever.

ME: There’s just a little traffic.

HIM: Why is there traffic?

ME: People are leaving work. They’re going home for dinner.

HIM: Why is their work over when we’re trying to go home?

ME: Everyone kind of gets done working at the same time. Then they drive home.

HIM: You don’t drive home from work.

ME: Nope. But different people work in different places.

HIM: How come?

ME: Because people have different jobs. Some people work at the donut shop. Some people work at the hospital. Some pe–

HIM: Sick people go to the hospital!

ME: That’s right.

HIM: Vivian has a runny nose. She’s sick. She needs to go to the hospital.

ME: Well, no. You have to be really sick to go to the hospital.

HIM: What’s really sick?

ME: Uh, it’s hard to describe.

HIM: Was mommy really sick when she went to the hospital?

ME: What? No. That was when your sister was born. People go to the hospital to have babies, too.

HIM: I got to stay with MeMa and Pop Pop!

ME: That was fun, wasn’t it?

HIM: I watched Cars 2 and Cars 3.

ME: Those are good mov–


ME: Uh, I think it was a squirrel.

HIM: Is it dead?

ME: I think so. Someone must have accidentally hit it with their car.

HIM: Yuck.

ME: Yeah, yuck is right.

HIM: Why?

ME: Why what?

HIM: Why is it yuck?

ME: Because it’s dead? You’re the one who said ‘yuck’ first.

HIM: Why did it die?

ME: I think someone hit it with their car.

HIM: That’s why we look before crossing the street!

ME: That’s right!

HIM: So no cars will squish us and kill us.

ME: Uh … that’s right.

HIM: Do people die?

ME: Uh.

HIM: When cars hit them?

ME: Oh. Yeah, sometimes.

HIM: Why?

ME: I… I don’t know how to answer that.

HIM: Why?

ME: Because it’s complicated.

HIM: Why is it complicated?

ME: Because sometimes it’s just a little bonk, and the person is okay. But we don’t have to worry about that because we always look before we cross the street, right?

HIM: I know.

ME: Did you work on your letters today at school?

HIM: … Will you die before me?

ME: I know! let’s find a song to listen to.

HIM: Dad, I asked you something.

ME: It’s not really something we need to worry about.

HIM: Why?

ME: Because it won’t be for a really, really long time.

HIM: But you’ll die first?

ME: I mean, we’ll both be really, really old before that happens. But yeah, I’ll die first.

HIM: Aw.

ME: I know, it’s a sad thing to think ab–


ME: Ohmygod

HIM: What’d you say?

ME: Nothing.

HIM: What. Did. You. Say?

ME: I said, “I wonder what we’re having for dinner tonight.”

HIM: I want chicken nuggets!

ME: Yeah!





HIM: Will I die before mommy?

ME: Look! Garbage truck!

HIM: Yayyyyy!

ME: Oh wow! Watch it smash all that trash!

HIM: Yeah! Smash it!

ME: Oh, and look who’s in the front yard!

HIM: Mommy! Let me out!

ME: I have to park. Hang on.

HIM: I want to see mommy!

ME: Let me shut the car off.

HIM: Hurry!

ME: Here, let me unbuckle you. Okay, go see mommy!

HIM: Mommy!

MOM: Welcome home! How was sch —


