Poem for the SVP

Kim Grob
After Hours @ Write On
1 min readNov 12, 2021

I thought I lost myself in a conference room.
Gleaming mahogany table
Veneer of glossed lips
Smooth hair and ideas shining like diamonds.

You sat across from me
Thinking you had lost yourself, too
Amid a parade of pressed suits
Expensively understated shoes
And our brilliant performances.

I do not know exactly where it was
That I lost my way.
In a San Francisco barroom
Or a rickshaw in Kathmandu
In a desert paved over with strip malls
Or a carpool line somewhere in Utah.

I do remember that I was trying
To create one beautiful thing.
Something that could light the way for me.
And for you.
Like day breaking through the shadows
Or a small child beaming with trust.

What I want us both to know,
What I cannot say aloud,
Is that we can never really be lost.
There are whole castles inside us
Even right now.
Even though these beige walls
Are trying to kill us.



Kim Grob
After Hours @ Write On

Writer, daydreamer, and lifelong learner. Co-founder at Write On, a strategy and storytelling agency.