To Naomi Claire on Turning One

Diana Kightlinger
After Hours @ Write On
3 min readNov 30, 2020

21 February 2011

Dear NeNe,

Congratulations! You’ve reached an important milestone in your life — 365 days on planet Earth. Based on everything I’ve seen and heard, you’ve been busy. You’ve even made your first trans-Atlantic trip and attended your uncle’s wedding. I have to say you and your Mum looked quite beautiful in the photos.

One thing you won’t remember, but I will, is that we met in early December, when the inimitable John Colen took your Mum, you, and me out to lunch in Englewood, Colorado. For someone without much lunching experience, you were stellar — completely charming. In fact, you whined only when put in your car seat, which didn’t look like much fun to me either. In short, it was delightful to say hello to Sam and Joe’s little girl, who seemed exceptionally poised for 10 months.

Based on our meeting and some experiences your Mum shared, I thought I’d offer a follow-up to the advice I shared when you were born. So here goes …

1. Try every type of food at least three times. I say that, because at lunch you nay-sayed the delicious butternut squash soup and ate only bread crumbs. When you’re a bit older, give it all a sporting try.

2. Wear a hat. Your Mum said that you toddled outside one day and said Brrrrr. Bet it was cold! But don’t be like me as a teenager, refusing to wear a hat because it might mess up your hair. Blue people are a lot less attractive than hat-haired ones. And I bet your Mum will keep making you adorable toppers — could be your signature piece!

3. If you truly are cold, go inside and warm up with a hot chocolate. I know this from skiing in temperatures that would give polar bears pause. Trust me, everyone else wants to go in too.

4. Smile often. No need to expand on that, I think you’ve got it down.

5. Don’t put off joy. This I learned from dogs. They never think tomorrow is soon enough for a great time. Really, I have no idea why some people think humans are smarter than canines.

6. Don’t end joy. I say this, because so many people rush on to the next thing. So bask a bit in the glow. Mind you, you don’t have to be like me and keep your Christmas tree up until 27 January. But neither does it need to come down on 27 December so the house is straight for the New Year.

7. Dadada. I thought I’d write at least one thing in NeNe-speak. And yes, you’re right to appreciate both your parents so much.

8. Remember that you’ll recover from heartbreak. We all go through it, and almost all of us can push on. I note this, because you lost a wonderful companion in December, the steadfast Buster. You won’t recall Buster, but you will know Bruno, your new friend. When you look back years from now, remember to be grateful your loved ones graced your life at least for a moment.

9. Spend your money on adventures, not possessions. When I moved a few years ago, I realized the only things I couldn’t leave behind were photos of my family and friends, and my dog Jake’s ashes. I don’t have many heirlooms, so I can easily replace everything I own. But memories are priceless.

10. Keep growing. No doubt you’ll do that without thinking for many years to come. That’s a goal we should all have, no matter what age we reach.

Happy 1st Birthday, Naomi Claire. Many, many, many happy returns!

Love, Diana

