Poems for Baudrillard: Part 1 — Graffiti

Claude-Guillaume Mars
After the End
Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2024

Leibniz’s Revenge

Tramways so shiny,
Pixels so tiny,
Cars without drivers,
Boss a high-fiver,
Cameras surveilling,
Silence prevailing,
Lights set on auto,
Neon-writ motto,
Scorching hot summer,
News is a bummer,
Nationwide splinter,
Twilight in winter,
Clock is still running,
Jukebox still strumming….
Why is there nothing
Rather than something?

The End of History

One more tower falls to dust:
Looking back, facades were gaudy.
Epidemics close the roads:
Where the hell is everybody?
Terminal degrees are clutched,
Proving what we meekly dreaded.
Economics studies us,
Wonders where on earth we’re headed.
Sometime prior we have made
History itself outdated:
We have gone outside the end,
We have been ex-terminated.

The Art of Disappearing

Cameras on hyper-watch
Couldn’t have seen it all:
Liminal zones in an
Airport or school or mall.
Back-alley gossiping
Hailed as a link of minds.
Walls are graffitied but
You wouldn’t grasp the signs.
Why doesn’t everyone
Fight for a righteous cause?
Why doesn’t anyone
Want to reveal their flaws?
Why is it everyone
Wears on their face that leer?
Why hasn’t everything
Already disappeared?

