Be stupid, choose wisely on the ballot paper

After Thoughts
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2017

I always imagine myself seated by the balcony, feeling the breeze from the wind, scented with a natural aroma of fresh cow dung. The view is breath taking, the surrounding green, lucid to the vast arrays of the sun. Herein, besides me, are my grand children, with their radiant smiles, evidence of a growing nation.

This is only a dream!

My happy thoughts are rudely cut short by reality. Off late, these trailing demons that scorch the purest in our community seem to get closer than usual. Come August, I am becoming more blinded. I can’t see straight amidst my fruitless attempts to think clearly, I’ve now deciphered it has never been crystal.

My country is no ordinary place. Yes, no place is ordinary, we deem them extra-ordinary and who can refute these claims, after all, we all are ‘patriots’, right?

Uhuru Park — Nairobi (Photo by

Forgive me, for shunning the place am from then. Call me traitorous, throw all the vile names you can come up with at me, tell me am a mockery of my generation and slam me in public. All these won’t change the fact that am tired of the dreadful incumbent that we sometime back deemed fit to lead us. Sorry for telling the tale of a place where prices on food seem to go higher by the day. Don’t get me started on the taxes, I don’t quite get how these figures tally!

Remember Jesus telling the devil in the desert that man cannot live on bread alone?

Well, I guess our ‘profound’ leaders want to prove Him wrong all with a mix of egotism since even the bread itself seems only affordable to the rich (them). Its ironic they call unto His name to help them cross the line come judgement time at the ballots.

Am part of a society that is keen to listen to the beliefs of others and what they have to say rather than what they themselves believe in. Today’s greetings is smeared with how so and so should be the next president and for some of us, it’s quite choking. It may seem as if am biased but that argument couldn’t be so off the rails. Time and time, I have been failed, we have been failed both by the leaders within the government and the opposition as well.

Day by day, I’m more pissed off by people holding on to the clutches of straws of how the current leadership will change once given another chance. This isn’t a stupid affair that we can brush off like nothing happened. It’s another five years of our time, our lives. Then there are the radical opportunists that call themselves the opposition, the change, our future. ‘Some future?’ The last five years have been constant blame games and useless banter of how things aren’t working out. How dare they say, they’ll create change, that they’ll reduce poverty, that corruption will be a thing of the past, that our lives will matter? I for one would feel deep care if they actually came up with a solution to all these problems they deem fit to raise in public (yet they are all vivid-for all to see) and helped the ones in leadership to achieve them. Then and only then, I would be swayed. After all, leaders should serve their people even in shadows. So sorry, am still on the fence, you need to better convince me.

Am grateful of the sleeping giants within us that seem to have had enough. The surprising winners from the recently concluded nominations show the voice of the people. A tired voice that meekly decided it’s loud enough to be heard. For some of us, we have been raised with this principle that one should own their mistakes and accept the consequences. As time trickles down to the 8th of August, all I could pray for is wisdom embedded with peace. I’m not oblivious to the ethnic differences among us, this has always been a defining factor during elections but if you’re a dreamer like me, imagine changing a future for your child, our child.

Life always continues, how it does is totally dependent on all of us. All I can urge you, is to look within, elect the type of person that portrays the principles within you. Cut out all the voices swaying you but listen to the only one that matters, yours. Be the change you want to see.

