100 Data Structures and Algorithms Problems Asked During Coding Interviews

Amit Shekhar
Published in
5 min readDec 4, 2019

I am Amit Shekhar, Co-Founder @ Outcome School, I have taught and mentored many developers, and their efforts landed them high-paying tech jobs, helped many tech companies in solving their unique problems, and created many open-source libraries being used by top companies. I am passionate about sharing knowledge through open-source, blogs, and videos.

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Here, I have listed the 100 Data Structures and Algorithms Problems asked during the coding interviews in companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn, Adobe, Uber, Yahoo, eBay, etc.

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Let’s get started with the questions.

  1. Roman To Integer

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook

2. Reverse Bits

Asked in: Amazon

3. Square Root of Integer

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook

4. Calculate power function

Asked in: Google, LinkedIn, Amazon

5. Greatest Common Divisor

Asked in: Google

6. Find the Closest Palindrome

Asked in: Microsoft, Amazon

7. Rotate matrix

Asked in: Google

8. Spiral Matrix

Asked in: Microsoft, Amazon

9. Wave Array

Asked in: Amazon, Google, Adobe

10. Set Matrix Zeroes

Asked in: Amazon, Google

11. maximum j — i such that A[j] > A[i]

Asked in: Google, Amazon, Adobe

12. Move zeroes to an end

Asked in: Facebook, Uber

13. Merge two sorted arrays

Asked in: Microsoft, Adobe

14. Container with Most Water

Asked in: Amazon, Google, Facebook, Adobe

15. Remove duplicates from sorted array

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Google

16. Find an element in Bitonic array

Asked in: Amazon

17. Find minimum element in sorted and rotated array

Asked in: Facebook

18. Median of two sorted array of same size

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Google

19. Inversion count in an array

Asked in: Amazon, Google

20. Search for a Range in a sorted array

Asked in: Microsoft, Google

21. Longest Common Prefix

Asked in: Amazon, Google

22. Median in row wise sorted matrix

Asked in: Amazon

23. Swap List Nodes in pairs

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

24. Add Two Numbers as Lists

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook

25. Check if a singly linked list is palindrome

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

26. Reverse a linked list from position m to n

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook

27.Detect and Remove Loop in a Linked List

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

28. Merge Two Sorted Lists

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo

29. Remove Nth Node from List End

Asked in: Amazon

30. Sort a linked list using insertion sort

Asked in: Microsoft, Google

31. Find next greater element in an array

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

32. Trapping rain water

Asked in: Amazon, Google

33. Merge overlapping intervals

Asked in: Amazon, Google

34. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

Asked in: Amazon, Google, Facebook

35. Check for balanced parentheses in an expression

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

36. Min Stack Problem

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo, Adobe

37. LRU Cache implementation

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, Google

38. Sort a stack using another stack

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

39. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary tree

Asked in: Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Adobe

40. Path sum in binary tree

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo

41. Min Depth of Binary Tree

Asked in: Amazon, Facebook

42. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

43. Invert Binary Tree

Asked in: Amazon, Google

44. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo, Adobe

45. Find diameter of binary tree

Asked in: Facebook, Google, Amazon

46. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree

Asked in: Microsoft

47. Merge two binary tree

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

48. Shortest Unique Prefix

Asked in: Google

49. Sorted Array To Balanced BST

Asked in: Amazon

50. K-th largest element in BST

Asked in: Amazon

51. Minimum absolute difference in BST

Asked in: Google

52. Recover Binary Search Tree

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

53. Merge Two BST

Asked in: Google, Amazon, Microsoft

54. Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

55. K Pairs with Smallest Sums

Asked in: Google

56. Sliding window maximum

Asked in: Amazon, Google

57. Merge K sorted list

Asked in: Amazon, Google

58. Convert a min heap to max heap

Asked in: Google

59. Check if two arrays are equal or not

Asked in: Amazon, Goldman Sachs

60. Intersection of two unsorted array

Asked in: Google, Facebook

61. Longest Consecutive Sequence

Asked in: Amazon, Google

62. Valid Anagram

Asked in: Google, Amazon, Microsoft

63. Majority Element

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google

64. Sort Characters by Frequency

Asked in: Facebook, Google

65. First Unique Character in a String

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

66. Triplet with zero sum

Asked in: Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft

67. First missing positive

Asked in: Amazon

68. Largest subarray with 0 sum

Asked in: Microsoft

69. Max points on the straight line

Asked in: Amazon, Google

70. Climbing Stairs Problem

Asked in: Amazon, Google

71. Matrix Chain Multiplication

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

72. Longest Increasing subsequence

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook

73. Partition Equal Subset Sum

Asked in: Amazon, Adobe

74. Minimum number of jumps to reach end

Asked in: Amazon, Google, eBay

75. Interleaving String

Asked in: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo

76. Coin change problem

Asked in: Microsoft

77. Edit distance Problem

Asked in: Amazon, Google, Microsoft

78. Min Cost Path

Asked in: Amazon

79. Maximal Square

Asked in: Google, Microsoft

80. Longest Arithmetic Progression

Asked in: Google, Microsoft

81. Word break problem

Asked in: Facebook, Google

82. Maximum Subarray Sum

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook

83. Palindrome Partitioning

Asked in: Amazon, Google

84. Max Product Subarray

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

85. Maximum Product of Three Numbers

Asked in: Amazon

86. Gas station Problem

Asked in: Amazon, Google

87. Distribute Candy Problem

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft

88. Fractional Knapsack problem

Asked in: Amazon

89. Sudoku Solver

Asked in: Amazon, Google, Microsoft

90. Generate Parentheses

Asked in: Facebook, Microsoft

91. Print all subset

Asked in: Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook

92. Combination Sum

Asked in: Amazon, Facebook, Adobe

93. Combinations

Asked in: Amazon, Adobe

94. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

Asked in: Google

95. Word ladder problem

Asked in: Google, Microsoft, eBay

96. Smallest Multiple With 0 and 1

Asked in: Amazon

97. Check loop in array according to given constraints

Asked in: Google, Amazon

98. Course Schedule

Asked in: Amazon

99. Knight on chessboard

Asked in: Amazon, Goldman Sachs

100. Surrounded regions

Asked in: Google


What is System Design? A Beginner-Friendly Introduction

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Amit Shekhar

Co-Founder @ Outcome School

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Amit Shekhar

Co-Founder @ Outcome School | Coder | Teacher | Mentor | Open Source | IIT 2010-14 | Android | Machine Learning | Backend