Top 50 Puzzles — Commonly Asked During The Interview

Amit Shekhar
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2019

I am Amit Shekhar, Co-Founder @ Outcome School, a teacher and mentor helping developers learn to code and get high-paying jobs.

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Here, I have listed the top 50 Puzzles asked during the coding interviews in companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Adobe, Yahoo, Morgan Stanley, Bloomberg, Nvidia, etc.

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Let’s get started with the puzzles.

  1. Crossing the bridge

Asked in: Google and Microsoft

2. A fake among 12 coins

Asked in: Microsoft, Bloomberg, Amazon, and Google

3. 2 Eggs and 100 Floor

Asked in: Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, Bloomberg, and Morgan Stanley

4. 100 people in a circle

5. Wolf-Goat-Cabbage

6. Finding Celebrity

Asked in: Facebook, Microsoft, and Yahoo

7. Monkeys and Doors

Asked in: Google, Amazon, Adobe, Oracle, and Microsoft

8. The two water Jug

Asked in: Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, Bloomberg, and Citrix

9. Chessboard Reassembly

10. Round table coin game

Asked in: Amazon and Microsoft

11. Fake Note

12. Einstein’s puzzle

13. Six-colored cube

14. The Monkey and the Coconut

15. Ants on a Triangle

Asked in: Microsoft, Qualcomm, and Google

16. 3 Mislabeled Jars

Asked in: Microsoft

17. Find the ages of daughters

Asked in: Google

18. Truth and Lie

Asked in: Amazon

19. Prisoners and Poison

Asked in: Amazon

20. Next Number

Asked in: Amazon and Google

21. Spider’s Web

Asked in: Bloomberg

22. Ratio of Boys and Girls

Asked in: Amazon and Google

23. Balls in a bag

24. Maximum number of Kings on a Chessboard

25. Divide the Cake

Asked in: Google

26. Minimum planes to go around the world

Asked in: Microsoft

27. A knight's shortest path

28. Find the rank

29. Counting triangles

30. Questionable tiling

31. The Icosian game

32. Row and Column Exchange

33. Mental Arithmetic

34. The Fox and The Duck

Asked in: Microsoft

35. The Chameleons

36. Crossing the desert

Asked in: Microsoft

37. Monty Hall Problem

Asked in: Amazon

38. Blocked Path

Asked in: Google

39. 5 Pirates and 100 gold coins

Asked in: Microsoft

40. 10 Coins Puzzle

Asked in: Yahoo

41. Magic Square

42. Cutting a Stick

43. 13 Caves and a Thief

Asked in: Google

44. Couples crossing the river

Asked in: Microsoft

45. Gold for 7 days of Work

Asked in: Microsoft

46. Palindrome Counting

47. Coins on a star

48. The Rabbit Problem

49. Find the fastest 3 horses

Asked in: Google, Amazon, and Citrix

50. 100 Prisoners with Red/Black Hats

Asked in: Google and Microsoft

Thanks for reading.

Amit Shekhar

Co-Founder @ Outcome School

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Amit Shekhar

Co-Founder @ Outcome School | Coder | Teacher | Mentor | Open Source | IIT 2010-14 | Android | Machine Learning | Backend