Overview and assessment.  

Putting the pieces together.

james burgett, Student of Gomi
Aftermath Technologies


This will be an attempt to begin consolidation of various aspects of the “S.P.O.T” project (Single Pulse Obnoxious Temperature or Stupid Primate Overkills Terribly) A project to create a refuse based atomic hydrogen torch capable of temperatures approaching 4000c These aspects consist of Structure, Power and Gas.

teeth and lower jaw reinforced. ready for wiring.

Structure: This consists of a reinforced calcium carbonate structure coated with an aluminium oxide based enamel coating. ( A coyote skull braced with JBweld and painted with white exhaust manifold paint) The primary structure is complete and painted.

I am now determining wire and piping gauge and routing while it cures.

300 watt inverter variac microwave transformer. Should provide for controllable AC voltage.

Power: I’m falling back to start, Sorry folks. New design. Solar panel- battery-inverter-(modified) microwave transformer. More and longer duration power storage. Plus I have a good chance of getting confused/stranger in the near future so, This will be quick to turn out (Found a VARIAC!!! this should make things much easier! Should be able to roll voltage right to where I want it!) . Will put this together when I feel a little less shaky. Variac should allow for tight control of voltage. Feels like cheating.

Gas: Good news, Production of hydrogen by aluminium in potassium hydroxide solution works. Bad news, works slowly under current conditions. I will need to contain and pressurize gas. Thinking floating tank in solution with weight of tank providing pressurization.

