james burgett, Student of Gomi
Aftermath Technologies
2 min readApr 4, 2024


This fuel cell is total garbage, I’m very happy

Link on alkaline fuel cells: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline_fuel_cell

in potentia
in actio

Rational people should refrain from replicating this experiment, I personally consider accidentally turning my fingerprints into soap a feature

.69 volts and .14 amps, roughly .1 watt.

made from:

1 leftover Chinese food tray (containment)

some pieces of an old roof mount tv antenna (hydrogen source from aluminum/potasium hydroxide reaction)

1 old piece of carbon paper (torn into 2 pieces, 1 as anode, other as cathode)

1 paper towel (separator)

some steel screen I found in bulk years ago, figured I’d never have to buy a pipe screen again! (electron collectors and electrode support)

dubious wood lye from filtered wood ash (Dual duty as fuel cell electrolyte and potasium hydroxide/aluminum reactant to produce hydrogen)

3 rubber bands (hold it all together)

Basic idea:

aluminum in wood lye produces hydrogen and potassium aluminate, hydrogen bubles rise and contact anode, ambient air contacts electrolyte wetted cathode, add wires= current.

Actual application almost as simple as concept, as demonstrated by my laughably crude prototype.

Will post load test and assembly photos right after I come up with a less embarrassing assembly. But, at least as proof of concept, it works.

