Utilisation of skeletal materials in improvised welding.

First bites.

james burgett, Student of Gomi
Aftermath Technologies


I did an initial lash up of Spot the welder, Combining the solar power system (Sparky) with the coyote skull (Spot) to see whether this idea is viable. (It is, but barely) The skull is much more fragile that I’d hoped and will require extensive reinforcement if I want to use it for anything beyond a limited number of times before it comes apart.

In addition the fragility leads to difficulties in using the jaw hinge and running the wiring. ( I spent the morning deviating a dead coyote’s septum with an electrode, VERY carefully to avoid having it’s entire upper palette breaking) I’m also going to have to secure the teeth,

Aftermath Technologies. Leading the world in bringing tazer technology to undead horrors!

But, It does do the sparky thing! All else is mere refinement. Epoxy, some High temp paint, some rubber for the hinge, hydrogen, MORE POWER! and the ATOMIC HYDROGEN TORCH! will be mine! MUAHAHAhahacoffgagwheeze.

