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8 Things to Remember If You Love A Strong Woman

She’s not a damsel in distress; she fights her own battle.

Theodora Laie
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2020


She is not looking for a ‘casual hook up’. She values her precious time and does not want to be involved in some puppy love. She wants to form a relationship that is built on a strong foundation of love, trust and chemistry.

She holds herself to the highest standards. To her, there is no shortcut. She will always take the high road in any situation that she’s handling.

She will not play the damsel in distress card. She takes full responsibility for her relationship and will only ask for help when she recognizes her weaknesses.

She does not want a happy ending. She wanted to be cared for in the same ways that she cares. She is all about equality in a relationship and both parties must play an equal part to make a relationship works.

She is sensitive to others’ emotions. Although she might look cold-hearted on the outside, you must know that her heart truly cares for you.

She is an optimist. Even when you’re having a down moment in life, she will always try and see the beauty and lessons in the most painful setback.

She knows her mind. Don’t doubt her decisions once she had made up her mind. Those decisions are not made overnight and she is very thoughtful about it.

She’s not perfect but she strives to be one. If you want to prove yourself worthy of her love, you need to step up and keep up with her pace.

A strong woman loves differently, but she is worth the chase.

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s publication that only accepts stories under 500 words.

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