A Sanskrit Subhashita on Happiness

“Happiness is a state of mind. It’s just according to the way you look at things.” — Walt Disney

HBR Patel
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2020


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चित्ते प्रसन्ने भुवनं प्रसन्नं चित्ते विषण्णे भुवनं विषण्णम् ।
अतोऽभिलाषो यदि ते सुखे स्यात् चित्तप्रसादे प्रथमं यतस्व ॥

If the mind is happy, the entire world (seems) happy. If the mind is despondent, the entire world (seems) despondent. Hence, if you desire happiness, strive towards the happiness of the mind first.

As they say: ‘Happiness is a State of Mind.’

or to say in a generic term ‘It is All in the Mind!’

Our goal, when generalized to a state of mind, is that all want happiness. However, the source of happiness varies from individual to individual.

Ultimately, everyone on this earth always endeavors for a happy life.

Not all can reach that state of happiness.

Many fail in this task and their life becomes dependent on external sources for a joyous life. They wait anxiously for the future to bring that moment of joy that will bring a smile to their face and make them joyous.

They waste their present for a better future & that future never arrives in the present. Joy eludes from those waiting…



HBR Patel
a Few Words

Every Quote has a Story. I Just Imagine What That Would Be... www.hbrpatel.com