Aargh! Why Isn’t It Working?

Think hard.

Abeer Zehra
a Few Words
2 min readSep 15, 2020


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Mark Twain said:

“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.”

This is you and me. We try, and as soon as we think it is not working out, what we do? We give up. Then again, we try and give up, and the cycle continues.

Giving up is the easiest part. Not giving up tests your patience. This is why it is the most challenging part of any job.

Unfortunately, the magnitude or impact of small changes in life takes most of our time and effort. Eating healthy for three days does not transform your body; learning hard for a week does not make you an expert.

People’s knowledge and expertise is a result of constant hard work and persistence. They do not give up; thus, significant changes in life come by.

The human mind wants to see the changes right away. It does not fathom the fact that things take time. You cannot wake up one day and be a millionaire, or you can just become a good writer overnight. Such significant changes need time to show significant results.

Boisgontier, in his study about the human brain and sloth, says:

“Anything that happens automatically is difficult to inhibit, even if you want to, because you don’t know that it is happening. But knowing that it is happening is an important first step.”

Knowing that “it is happening” is the first and foremost step. Our minds want to get the result immediately.

It is like our mind plays games with us. Like procrastination triggers anxiety and fear, our mind prefers to remain sloth and looks for ways to give up and avoid working hard.

Have you begun to think along the same lines? If yes, then you must be thinking about ways to combat it.

There is only one solution.


If you think that it is easier said than done, believe me, it is not.

I try it every single. I keep reminding myself that it will take time for my efforts to show the result. I do not let the fear of failure stand in my way, and bit by bit, I study and practice every day to be a successful conversion copywriter.

You can do the same. Instead of focusing on the result, focus on the steps. Divide the task into small and easy steps. I have tried it, and it helps a lot.

As James Clear in Atomic Habits says:

“We make a few changes, but the results never seem to come quickly, and so we slide back into our previous routines.”

So before you give up, think if you have put enough time and effort. The road may be long, but it is never-ending for sure.



Abeer Zehra
a Few Words

I am an extrovert💜. I love to pour my thoughts out. You can find some good reads here. Oh! and I am an admirer of classic literature 📚.