
a Few Words
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2020
Photo by Jason Chen on Unsplash

He spent all night at the carnival.

Lights, haunted houses, Ferris wheels. Nothing satisfied him. He was still searching, for something.

Going into the gypsy caravan, he voiced his need out loud “I want adventure”

“That sounds awfully vague, dear” the old crone cackled. “Are you sure?”

He was.

She granted his wish, danced around chanting. Nothing happened.

He left, enraged.

Walking home, a hole inside his heart. He imagined skydiving, kayaking, hiking, dancing.

His road was lit, blue and red lights flashing through the dark.

The crone’s voice cackled in his ear “Be careful what you wish for, dearie.”



a Few Words

Paramie Jayakody is a 24 year old who works by day, and moonlights as a storyteller who likes to express ideas, be it anything from writing, to film, to art.