An honest letter to a close friend.

Ikenna Anyabuike.
a Few Words
2 min readJun 25, 2019


Why does this feel so hollow. The thought of our tomorrow is bleak. So to speak, so I speak.

Why can I not trust you? Why does it hurt me so? Wherein lies the truth of the matter? Wherein lies our honesty?

I feel as though we’re mannequins. The conversation dressed, to disguise the lack of humanity. I feel a stranger’s gaze. Perhaps, I simply miss our younger days.

Maybe my mentality is cracked. Refusing to be quartz-eyed. My mind cannot confess the empty eating of our time.

are we truly friends? or is this another performance, am i still on stage? are we simply characters fumbling through the pages of her script. i need to know. if only because i cannot continue not knowing. if only as a friend.

!No love, in this life’s web!

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s brand new publication which only accepts stories that have less than 500 words.

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Ikenna Anyabuike.
a Few Words

To be a hesitant artist. In a world so young and uncertain. I smile at the challenge.