Approach Things Differently To Get Better Result

Abayomi Omoogun
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2019

Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. Tony Robbins

Photo by Noah Näf on Unsplash

Is there a particular approach to anything at all?

Like how to become a billionaire, how to stay happily ever after in a relationship. How to build a 12 figure dollar business?

Sometimes, someone gives you an approach on how to do a particular stuff only to find out it isn’t working for you. But working for your colleague.

There are many approaches to things. And limiting ourselves to a particular one is like caging ourselves.

Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning. Denis Waitley

I have read different medium article on how to write better. And each of them has a different approach from the other.

X approach to writing is different from Y approach to writing. And Z approach to writing is different from both X and Y approach. Yet they are successful with their writing.

In the end, you will find out there is no one approach to writing rather there are different ways to writing.

The first time, I read Ryan Holiday’s work The obstacle is the way. I was so impressed with his writing style unique and direct and I loved it.

Still, on the same writing style, I read Austin Kleon book steal like an artist. And boy I was blown away with the simplicity of his writing, and I love his style.

Two different books, two different writing style, two different approaches to writing. And, yet I was able to get satisfaction from both books.

In the end, how we can add creativity to the fundamentals or basics is what differentiates us from the rest.

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. Edward de Bono

We can say the same thing too with business, there is no one approach to growing a business. Rather, there are different approach to growing a business.

The way Elon Musk grow his business is different from the way Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates grows their business.

There are fundamentals or basics to everything. Know the fundamentals first and add your own approach to it to get a result.

Photo by Trevor Cole on Unsplash

We can say the same too with living. There is no particular approach to living. Life is best determined by your philosophy and your perspective towards it.

We all have a different philosophy on life. But know the fundamentals which is “to live a life, you need to have a philosophy.”

Your philosophy creates your attitudes, your actions and your results. Which later creates your life says Jeff Olson in his book The slight edge.

Whether you use approach A or approach B, the only thing we need to do is learning from each of them. Once you stop learning, then you are dying already.

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s brand new publication which only accepts stories that have less than 500 words.

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